New Delhi: Govardhan Puja, also known as Annakut Puja is traditionally celebrated during Pratipada Tithi in Kartik month. On this day, Lord Krishna and Govardhan Parvat are worshipped. This is the day on which Shri Krishna defeated Lord Indra. Cow dung is utilised to build Govardhan Parvat and the settlement beneath it during Govardhan Puja, and annakoot is offered to Shri Krishna.

Govardhan Puja 2022: Story and Significance

The name Govardhan is derived from the name of the mountain which Shri Krishna elevated by himself. Those who worship Govardhan hill are said to enhance their faith and devotion to Shri Krishna. Govardhan Puja emphasises the importance of the fundamental aspects of human life. This is thought to be the best day to express gratitude to Mother Nature. Devotees perform Annakut Puja, which consists of presenting Chappan Bhoga (56 food items) to Lord Krishna.

According to Hindu mythology, people prayed to Lord Indra to preserve and save their crops. Instead, torrential rains destroyed the crops. Lord Krishna highlighted the value of nature and its repercussions while fighting Lord Indra's tyranny as he generated severe downpours. Lord Krishna saved the people from Lord Indra's anger by elevating the Govardhan hill.

Another mythology associated with Govardhan Puja is the defeat of King Bali by Lord Vishnu. On the day of Govardhan Puja, King Bali is said to emerge from Pataal Lok and visit his Kingdom. As a result, in some regions of India, this day is also known as 'Bali Pratipada' and 'Padva.'

Govardhan Puja 2022: Date

Most of the time, Govardhan Puja occurs the day after Diwali, however there at times, there may be a one-day gap between Diwali and Govardhan Puja.

This year Govardhan Puja will be celebrated on October 26.

Govardhan Puja 2022: Time

Govardhan Puja Pratahkala Muhurat - 05:28 AM to 07:43 AM
Duration - 02 Hours 16 Mins

Dyuta Krida on Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Pratipada Tithi Begins - 04:18 PM on Oct 25, 2022
Pratipada Tithi Ends - 02:42 PM on Oct 26, 2022

Govardhan Puja 2022: Rituals

The most essential ceremony of Govardhan Puja is the preparation of the cow dung hillocks. These hillocks are artistically decorated with flowers, kumkum and akshat. The rite also entails a 'parikrama' of these hillocks.

The concept of creating and worshipping hillocks relates to praying to Lord Krishna and requesting Him to erase one's difficulties in life. On this day, people also decorate their cows and bulls with flowers and kumkum. They adorn and revere them because they are said to be devoted to Lord Krishna.

Another important component of the ceremonies conducted on this day is the preparation of Annakoot. Annakoot Prasad is also prepared at various temples and distributed among family and friends.