New Delhi: Amla is a sour fruit that is rich in vitamin C. It is an important element in traditional Indian medicine and is considered a superfood with high nutritional value. Amla can be ingested raw, juiced, powdered, or as oil, pills, and spice.

Amla is also high in antioxidants like flavonoids and tannins, which can help protect the body from environmental poisons and pollution. These antioxidants may also aid in the prevention of chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

Another advantage of amla is its potential to help with intestinal health. The fruit has been proven to be especially good for persons suffering from acidity and indigestion. It also aids in nutritional absorption, which can improve general health and well-being.

Here are 8 health benefits of Amla:

1. Has Anti-Ageing Properties:

Amla juice contains antioxidants that can help your skin seem younger and slow down the ageing process. Regularly consuming amla juice can help you avoid wrinkles, dark spots, fine lines, and premature ageing.

2. It Helps To Improve Eye Health:

Amla or Indian Gooseberry can help improve your vision. It can assist you in minimizing eyesight issues. Because vitamin C is essential for eye health, you can try eating an amla every day to improve your vision. Many nutrients in Amla can aid with cataracts as well, which become more common as we age.

3. It Helps To Fight Skin Pigmentation:

Dark spots and pigmentation are relatively common concerns among today's people. The vitamins in amla can increase collagen production, resulting in smoother skin. Drinking amla juice can also help to internally heal your skin, making it more youthful and beautiful.

4. Prevents Dandruff:

Amla's anti-inflammatory and antibacterial qualities help to keep dandruff at bay. It can also be used to restore damaged hair strands and give shine.

5. It Is Good For Diabetes:

Amla is beneficial for diabetes because it lowers oxidative stress and influences the hormones involved. It has a low Glycemic Index of 15, and its nutritional content protects the body from high blood sugar processes, which results in optimal insulin absorption.

6. It Helps To Lose Weight:

A protein found in amla aids in the prevention of cravings. Amla is likewise very low in carbs and fat.  Drinking a glass of amla juice before a meal keeps one fuller and causes people to eat less. According to nutritionists, amla also improves metabolism, allowing one to lose weight faster. Amla has a lot of fibre and acids like tannic acid, which assist ease constipation and make you look less bloated.

7. It Reduces Pain:

Because of its anti-inflammatory characteristics, amla can provide relief for arthritis-related joint aches as well as unpleasant mouth ulcers. Additionally, it is used to heal wounds as an analgesic, and studies show that its extracts can help with postoperative and neuropathic pain as well.

8. It Also Helps To Improve Memory:

Another key advantage of amla is that it can help to prevent memory loss as it contains antioxidants and has qualities that can help to enhance the nervous system. Amla is also high in iron, making it an excellent brain tonic. You can improve your memory by consuming amla juice or powder on a daily basis.