New Delhi: Everything in life has its importance. If consuming anything in excess is bad, then consuming too little is also harmful. Many people use less salt in their daily diet in order to stay healthy. But, if you consume less salt, it may ultimately be harmful to your health.

1. Increases Insulin Resistance in the Body: It has been found from many studies that the body requires a significant amount of salt every day. If we do not eat the required amount of salt it can increase insulin resistance in the body. This happens when the cells in the body respond well to the signals of the insulin hormone. Due to this, the amount of sugar in the blood increases. It causes type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

2. Lowering of blood pressure: The right amount of sodium intake is needed in the body, which helps to maintain the blood pressure in the body. Many times improper consumption of salt may lower the blood pressure that may cause a heart attack, stroke, and many other diseases related to the heart.

3. Dangerous for the diabetic patient: People who already have diabetes and are not eating salt in the right amount are at increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Let us tell you that a diabetic patient needs to eat the right amount of salt. Some experts believe that people with type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes have an increased risk of death due to low salt intake.

4. Lethargy in the body: Eating less salt than necessary causes lethargy in the body and the person feels sleepy all the time. One may feel tired all the time.