Navratri is a time for devotion, fasting, and celebration. During these nine nights dedicated to Goddess Durga, many people abstain from eating non-vegetarian food, grains, and certain ingredients. This period of fasting, however, doesn't have to be dull or flavourless. The dishes can be a delightful fusion of colours, flavours, and ingredients while adhering to the dietary restrictions. From sweets to savoury, here are a few recipes that you can try on this occasion:

1. Aaloo Arbi Ke Tukre (By Diwas Wadhera, who is the Executive Chef, Eros Hotel New Delhi)


  • Baby Potatoes: 150g

  • Small Colcassia: 150g

  • Ginger Paste: 10g

  • Green Chilli Pate: 10g

  • Black Salt: 5g

  • Carrom Seeds- 2g

  • Kuttu Ka aata- 100g

  • Red Chilli Powder- 5g

  • Kasoori Methi- 10g

  • White Pepper- 3g

  • Senda salt- 5g

  • Oil- 500ml

  • Amchoor Powder- 5g

  • Chat Masala- 5g

  • Green Chutney- 50g


  • Peel the potatoes and colcassia and boil separately.

  • Once cool marinate with salt, pepper, red chili, ginger, green chili paste and keep in fridge after 15 mintues add kuttu ka atta and 2 tsp oil.

  • Mix well to coat evenly.

  • Deep fry till golden and toss with amchoor, chaat masala and lemon juice, Serve with chutney and fruit sashmi

2. Gopalkala: (By Chef Nandini Malhotra, CYK Hospitalities)


    • 2 cups beaten rice

    • 1 cup fresh yoghurt

    • 1/2 cup grated cucumber

    • 1/2 cup pomegranate seeds

    • 2-3 tablespoons finely chopped fresh coriander leaves

    • 1 green chilli, finely chopped (optional

    • 1 tablespoon crushed peanuts (roasted)

    • Salt to taste

    • A pinch of asafoetida

    • 1 tablespoon clarified butter

    • 1 teaspoon cumin seeds

    • 8-10 curry leaves

    • Fresh coconut, grated


  • Wash the beaten rice in a strainer and drain the water. Leave the beaten rice aside for about 10 minutes to allow it to absorb moisture and become soft.

  • In a large mixing bowl, add the soaked and softened beaten rice.

  • Add grated cucumber, pomegranate seeds, chopped coriander leaves, green chilli (if using), and crushed peanuts to the beaten rice.

  • In a separate small bowl, whisk the fresh yoghurt until it's smooth and creamy.

  • Add the yoghurt to the beaten rice mixture and mix well. Adjust the quantity of yoghurt according to your desired consistency. You can add more or less as needed.

  • Add salt to taste and mix everything together. 7.In a small pan, heat the ghee over low heat. Add cumin seeds, asafoetida, and curry leaves. Allow them to sizzle for a few seconds, and then pour this tempering over the Gopalkala mixture.

  • Gently mix all the ingredients together to ensure that the flavours are well combined.

  • Optionally, you can garnish with some freshly grated coconut.

  • Serve the Gopalkala immediately as a nutritious and refreshing dish.

3. Nutrient-Packed Water Chestnut Laddoos for Weight Loss and Digestion (By Dr. Malini Saba—an avid Culinarian, accomplished food book author, and dedicated fitness enthusiast)


  • 1 cup Water Chestnut Flour

  • 1/2 cup Desiccated Coconut

  • 1/2 cup Powdered Jaggery (modify as per taste)

  • 2-3 tablespoons Ghee (clarified butter)

  • 1/2 teaspoon Cardamom Powder

  • Chopped Nuts (like almonds, cashews, pistachios etc.) for garnish (optional)


  • Roast Water Chestnut Flour:

Dry roast water chestnut flour over low heat until it releases a nutty scent and turns slightly golden. To prevent burning, constantly stir. Transfer to a mixing bowl after roasting, let it cool.

  • Making the Mixture:

 To the roasted water chestnuts flour, add desiccated coconut, powdered jaggery and cardamom powder. Mix thoroughly.

  • Add Ghee:

 In a small pan, heat the ghee. Add the ghee to the dry ingredients and combined until a dough-like consistency is achieved.

  • Form laddoos:

Using your hands, form small portions of the mixture into round laddoos (balls). Add little more ghee if the mixture is too dry to make them easier to form.

  • Garnish (Optional):

To add texture and flavour, garnish each laddoo with chopped nuts like almonds, cashews, or pistachios.

  • Cool and Store:

After the laddoos have cooled down completely, place them in an airtight container. 

4. Shingade ki poori (By Chef Vivek, BLVD by Embassy)


  • 250 gms Singhare ka atta (water chestnut flour)

  • 2-3 no. mashed potatoes (Boiled and Mashed)

  • 2-3 green chilies, chopped. 

  • 2-3 tbs oil

  • 1 tbs Roasted cumin. 

  • sendha namak as required (this is normally used in all fasting food recipes)

  • Hot water to make a dough.

  • Oil for frying pooris 

  • Other material – silver foil or banana leaf 


Making a Dough

  • In a bowl - add singhara flour, and hot water to make a dough (careful during making the dough while adding hot water). 

  • Add all the ingredients mashed potato, chopped green chili, salt, and oil to the prepared dough, add water if required. The dough should be smooth, soft, and rollable. If you find the dough is sticky, then sprinkle some water chestnut flour and knead again.

Rolling Singhare Ki Poori

  • Take small or medium-sized balls from the dough. 

  • Sprinkle some chestnut flour on silver foil or banana leaf to roll the pooris.

  • Roll the balls into small or medium-sized pooris. Take out the pooris from silver foil or banana leaf, carefully.

  • Heat oil in a kadai for frying the pooris. When the oil is medium hot, place the poori gently in the oil.

  • When one side becomes golden then gently turn over and fry the other side until golden and crisp. 

  • Remove and drain on paper towels to remove excess oil. 

  • Fry the remaining pooris in batches.

  • Serve the singhare ki poori hot with coconut and jaggery milk.

5. Peanut salad (By Chef Vivek, BLVD by Embassy)


  • 250 gm Raw Peanut (with shell)

  • 50 gms fresh Coconut grated.

  • Sendha Salt to taste 

  • 2-3 tbs ghee

  • ½ tbs cumin seeds

  • 2-3 green chili chopped. 

  • 5-6 curry leaves 

  • ½ cup chopped cashew 


  • Put all the shenga (peanut with shell) and enough water in a pressure cooker and cook for 4-5 whistles.

  • Once it becomes cold, unshell it and remove peanuts. Keep aside. 

  • Heat a pan, add ghee followed by cumin seeds, green chili, curry leaves sauté for some time, add fresh grated coconut, cashew, and salt.

  • Sauté for 2-3 mins, add boiled peanuts. Cover it with the lid on slow fire for 2-3 min. 

  • Take it out from the pan, cool it in the fridge for an ½ hr before serving.

6. Navratri Halwa (By Chef Ishijyot Surri)


  • 1 cup Singhare ka Atta (Water Chestnut Flour)

  • 1/2 cup Ghee (clarified butter)

  • 1 cup Sugar or Sendha namak (rock salt) to taste

  • 1/2 cup Milk or Coconut milk (for a dairy-free option)

  • 1/2 teaspoon Cardamom powder

  • Chopped nuts like almonds and cashews for garnish (use as per preference)

  • A pinch of saffron strands soaked in warm milk (optional, for added flavour and colour)


  • Heat ghee in a heavy-bottomed pan or kadai over medium-low heat.

  • Add Singhare ka Atta (Water Chestnut Flour) to the ghee.

  • Roast the flour in ghee, stirring continuously, until it turns golden brown and releases a nutty aroma. This may take about 10-15 minutes on low heat. Be patient and keep stirring to avoid burning.

  • Once the flour is roasted to a golden colour, reduce the heat to low.

  • Gradually add sugar (or sendha namak for a sweet and savoury version) to the roasted flour and mix well.

  • Slowly pour in milk (or coconut milk for a dairy-free version) while stirring to avoid lumps.

  • Keep stirring the mixture continuously to avoid any lumps and ensure that the halwa is smooth and creamy.

  • Add cardamom powder and mix it in for flavour.

  • If you're using saffron strands, add them soaked in warm milk to the halwa for added flavor and a beautiful color.

  • Continue cooking and stirring the halwa on low heat until it thickens and leaves the sides of the pan. It should have a glossy appearance.

  • Once the halwa reaches the desired consistency, remove it from heat.

  • Garnish the Navratri Halwa with chopped nuts like almonds and cashews.

  • Serve the halwa hot as a sweet treat during your Navratri fasting days.

7. Navratri Dal Vada (By Chef Ishijyot Surri)


  • 1 cup split yellow Moong dal (husked and split green gram)

  • 2-3 Green Chilies, finely chopped (adjust to your spice preference)

  • 1/2 inch piece of Ginger, grated

  • 1-2 tablespoons chopped fresh Coriander leaves

  • Sendha namak (rock salt) to taste

  • 1/2 teaspoon Cumin seeds (jeera)

  • A pinch of hing (asafoetida)

  • Ghee (clarified butter) or vegetable oil for frying


  • Wash the split yellow moong dal thoroughly under cold running water and soak it in enough water for about 4-5 hours or overnight. Drain the soaked dal well.

  • In a food processor or blender, add the drained moong dal, green chilies, and grated ginger. Blend into a coarse paste without adding any water. The mixture should be grainy and not completely smooth.

  • Transfer the dal mixture to a mixing bowl. Add chopped fresh coriander leaves, sendha namak (rock salt), cumin seeds, and hing (asafoetida). Mix everything together well.

  • Heat ghee or vegetable oil in a deep frying pan or kadai over medium heat.

  • Wet your hands and take a small portion of the dal mixture. Shape it into a small flat round or vada.

  • Carefully slide the shaped dal vada into the hot ghee or oil. You can fry multiple vadas at a time, depending on the size of your frying pan.

  • Fry the vadas on medium heat until they turn golden brown and crispy on both sides. Flip them occasionally to ensure even frying. This may take about 3-4 minutes per vada.

  • Once the vadas are crispy and golden brown, remove them from the oil using a slotted spoon and drain excess oil by placing them on a paper towel.

  • Continue the same process with the remaining dal mixture to make more vadas.

  • Serve the Navratri Dal Vada hot with a chutney of your choice. You can prepare a chutney using allowed ingredients during Navratri, such as coconut chutney or peanut chutney.

8. Vrat Ki Paneer Sabzi (By Chef Dikar, Shahpura House Jaipur)


  • 250 gms Paneer (Cottage Paneer)

  • 2 large Tomatoes (slightly sour)

  • 1 tblsp Ginger (Adrak)

  • 2 tblsp Oil / Ghee

  • 1/2 tsp Jeera

  • 1 tsp Sukha Dhania (Whole Coriander Seeds)

  • 1 tsp Blackpepper Corns

  • 1/4 tsp Methi Dana (Fenugreek Seeds)

  • 1/2 tsp Red Chilly Powder

  • 1/2 tsp Kashmiri Red Chilly Powder (for colour)

  • 1 tsp sugar

  • 1/4 cup beaten Malai or Cream

  • Salt to taste

  • 1 tblps Green Coriander Leaves (Hara Dhania)


  • Dry roast togetehr on low flame – cumin seeds, whole coriander seeds, black peppercorns and methi dana.

  • Grind together tomatoes, green chilli and ginger to a fine puree.

  • Heat oil in a kadai / pan, add kashmiri red chilli powder, stir once and immediately add the tomatoe puree and saute it till it gets thick and oil begins to separate.

  • Now add the roasted masala, salt and red chilli powder. Also 1/2 tsp Sugar. Skip sugar if the tomatoes are not sour.

  • Cook for 2 – 3 mins. Then add beaten malai. Let it cook for 5 mins.

  • Once this gets saute nicely and oil begins to separate add 1/4 cup of warm water.

  • Let the curry simmer. Once the desired curry consistency is achieved add the cut paneer cubes. Do not cook the paneer for long or the paneer will get chewy and hard. Switch off the flame within 5 mins.

  • Sprinkle chopped green coriander.

  • Your vrat ka paneer is ready.

9. Paneer 65 (By Chef Rakhee Vaswani, Godrej Yummiez)


  • Paneer Pops- 1pkt 

  • Ketchup- 1tbsp

  • Black mustard seeds- 1/2tsp

  • Garlic- 7cloves (sliced)

  • Onion- 1no (medium cubes)

  • Bell peppers (R,Y&G)- 1/2no each (medium cubes)

  • Curry leaves- 2sprigs 

  • Salt- as per taste

  • Kashmiri chilli paste- 1tbsp

  • Oil- 1tbsp

  • Ginger- 1inch(chopped)


  • In a pot heat oil and deep fry paneer pops 

  • Once crispy and fried to perfection drain and set aside on a tissue lined plate for drain excess oil.

  • In a sauté pan heat oil add ginger, garlic and mustard seeds, cook till fragrant.

  • Add in curry leaves once crisp add in red chilli paste and ketchup.

  • Add water and cook till there’s no rawness.

  • Add in bell peppers and onions followed by the fried paneer.

  • Toss well and season with salt.

  • Finally plate and garnish with bell pepper curls and a sprig of crispy curry leaves.

10. Mexican corn salad (By Chef Rakhee Vaswani, Godrej Yummiez)


  • Sweet Corn- 1pkt

  • Bell peppers (R, Y&G)- 1/2no each (chopped)

  • Onion- 1no (chopped)

  • Tomato- 1no (chopped)

  • Coriander- 50gms (chopped)

  • Lettuce- 50gms (shredded)

  • Salt- to taste

  • Lime- 2tbsp

  • Jalapeño- 7slices (chopped)

  • Mexican seasoning

  • Coriander pwd- 1tbsp

  • Cumin pwd- 1/2tbsp

  • Cayenne pepper- 1 1/2tbsp

  • Paprika pwd- 1tbsp

  • Aromat pwd- 1tsp

  • Salt- to taste

  • Mixed herbs- 2tbsp

  • Sugar- 1/2tsp

Mexican seasoning

  • Coriander pwd- 1tbsp

  • Cumin pwd- 1/2tbsp

  • Cayenne pepper- 1 1/2tbsp

  • Paprika pwd- 1tbsp

  • Aromat pwd- 1tsp

  • Salt- to taste

  • Mixed herbs- 2tbsp

  • Sugar- 1/2tsp


  • In a bowl mix all the above given vegetables and set aside.

  • In a bowl mix all the spices, herbs, sugar, salt and aromat powder in a bowl.

  • Sprinkle the Mexican seasoning over the vegetables, lime juice, and a little olive oil.

  • Place inside a shot glass and keep cool

Avocado mousse (By Chef Rakhee Vaswani, Godrej Yummiez)


  • Avocado- 1no

  • Chillies- 1no 

  • Coriander- 30gms(chopped)

  • Onion- ½no(chopped)

  • Garlic- 4cloves(chopped)

  • Salt- to taste

  • Cream cheese- 3tbsp

  • Lime juice- 1tbsp

  • Green chutney- 2tbsp


  • In a food processor deseed and peal avocado. 

  • Add coriander, sautéed onion, garlic and green chilli’s.

  • Add green chutney.

  • Add salt and blend into a fine purée.

  • Place into a piping bag with a star nozzle.


  • Place the corn mix in shot glasses, pipe avocado mousse and sour cream.

  • Drizzle with sriracha mayo, garnish with an olive, sprig of coriander sprig and cracker.