Health Benefits of Drinking Elaichi Water: Cardamom is a commonly used spice in an Indian kitchen. It is used to enhance the taste of food. However, it is very beneficial not only for adding taste but also for improving health. Cardamom is used in many dishes but drinking its water can give us multiple advantages. It is very beneficial for health and protects the human body from various diseases. So let's know about the health benefits of drinking cardamom water (elaichi water) and how to prepare it.

How to Prepare:
To prepare cardamom water, first, take one-litre water and peel 5 to 6 cardamom and soak them in water overnight.
After getting up in the morning, boil the water; turn off the gas when only 3/4 of the water is left.
Now strain it and drink it three to four times a day.

Benefits of drinking cardamom water

Keeps sugar in control
Cardamom water helps to keep blood sugar levels under control. It is very beneficial for patients with diabetes. Consuming it for a few days will keep your blood sugar level under control.

Maintains digestive health
People who have problems like constipation should consume cardamom water. Its regular intake eliminates all digestive problems.

Keeps weight under control
If you want to reduce weight then cardamom water can surely help you attain your goal. The drink contains large amounts of antioxidants that help control weight by removing the excess fat stored in the body.

Control Cholesterol
People with high cholesterol must consume cardamom water. The drink controls cholesterol levels in the body thus keeping heart diseases at bay. It also reduces the risk of blood clotting in the body.