This year's Shardiya Navratri commenced on October 15 and will be going on till October 23. The celebrations span across nine auspicious days devoted to worshipping the nine forms of Maa Durga, with Vijaya Dashami marking the conclusion of the festivities. This year Vijaya Dashami will be held on October 24.

Talking about the deity, Maa Durga comes with her family to visit her paternal home and to eradicate evil from society. She is the 10-armed Goddess riding a lion. Each of the ten arms of Maa Durga cradles a weapon, which serves as an embodiment of the Goddess herself, signifying distinct siddhis (powers) while imparting blessings of strength, protection, and progress to her devotees.

The ten arms of Maa Durga stand as a symbol of her divine guardianship over her devotees. The significance of the ten weapons held in her grasp is as follows:

Trishul: Lord Mahadev presented the trident to Goddess Durga, a weapon characterized by three sharp prongs that represent the three qualities of Tamas, Rajas, and Satva.

Sword: Gifted by Lord Ganesha, this symbolizes knowledge and wisdom. Its gleaming blade represents the sharpness of intellect and the brilliance of knowledge.

Spear: A gift from Lord Agni, it represents auspiciousness and embodies fierce power, discerning between right and wrong with precision.

Vajra: Presented by Indradev, the Vajra is emblematic of the strength of the soul and unwavering willpower, endowing her devotees with unshakable confidence.

Axe: Lord Vishwakarma bestowed upon Maa Durga an axe and armour, symbolizing the unyielding battle against evil, without fear of consequences.

Sudarshan Chakra: Lord Krishna gifted the infallible Sudarshan Chakra, signifying that the universe revolves around the Mother Goddess, who holds the world in her grasp as its central creator.

Bow and Arrow: These were gifted by the Wind God and Sun God, symbolizing energy. The bow signifies potential energy, while the arrow represents kinetic energy, underlining Maa Durga's control over all sources of energy in the universe.

Mace: The mace represents knowledge and religion, protecting the truth.

Dagger: Symbolizing positive power, the Mother's dagger offers support in the battle against adversaries.

Conch: Representing sound, Maa Durga's conch shell embodies universality and prosperity, resonating with divine significance.