A drug lord is laughing in the face of justice by showing off his £3,000 gold Rolex watch and luxury designer shirts that he wears in prison.

Playboy cocaine dealer Babs Arogundade (29) is serving 27 years behind bars, however, that does not prevent him from showoff.

He flouted a ban on bling by wearing a Datejust Rolex, a golden medallion and a silk shirt by designer Versace.


He took the pictures from an unauthorized camera phone. A friend posted them on Instagram with the caption 'free BP', an allusion to the gangster Babs Arogundade's nickname.

Before he was put behind bars, the drug baron owned a Bentley. He used to live a life stuffed with luxury and regularly splashed out thousands of pounds on white wine and expensive jewellery including diamond-encrusted Rolex watches, said media reports.

From St John’s Wood, North London, he was convicted of conspiracy to supply drugs and 15 firearms charges.
