Turmeric is one of the most potent spices that is used when cooking, and one of the top supplements you can take for your health. However, turmeric absorption depends on how you consume it; on its own, it's rapidly eliminated. We often have a tendency to drink a glass of turmeric milk before going to bed, but we seldom realise how much of it is utilized by the body. 

Renowned Hepatologist by the name 'TheLiverDoc' on X (formerly Twitter) recently mentioned in a tweet that "Turmeric in milk does not get beneficially absorbed in body and is lost in stool". To know more about it, ABP Live  sought the opinion of experts who explained the reason behind it and also suggested how turmeric can be better absorbed in the body.

But, before that, let us know the benefits of turmeric.

Benefits Of Turmeric:

Dt. Deepali Sharma, Clinical Nutritionist at the CK Birla Hospital (R), Delhi said, "Turmeric, the golden spice, is a treasure trove of health benefits. Its active compound, curcumin, is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent that can protect our bodies from a wide range of diseases."

She also listed down some benefits of turmeric:

  • Reduces inflammation: Inflammation is the root cause of many chronic diseases, including heart disease, cancer, and arthritis. Curcumin in turmeric has been shown to reduce inflammation throughout the body.

  • Protects against free radical damage: Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage our cells and DNA. Curcumin is a potent antioxidant that can neutralize free radicals and protect our cells from damage.

  • Boosts immunity: Curcumin can help to boost our immune system by increasing the production of white blood cells and antibodies.

  • Improves blood sugar control: Curcumin can help to improve blood sugar control by increasing insulin sensitivity and reducing the production of glucose in the liver.

  • Inhibits cancer growth: Curcumin has been shown to inhibit the growth and spread of cancer cells. It can also make cancer cells more sensitive to chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

  • Improves digestion: Curcumin can help to improve digestion by increasing the production of bile and stimulating the digestive system.

  • Promotes healthy skin: Curcumin has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can help to improve skin health. It can also help to reduce acne, eczema, and other skin conditions.

Does Turmeric And Milk Get Absorbed In The Body Or Is Lost In Stool?

Since ancient times in India, turmeric has been used medicinally for over 4,000 years. It is a wonderful herb that is known as a "cure-all" in Asia and has gained appeal across the globe. According to Ayurveda, milk is very potent and helpful in boosting the immune system.

But, Dr Chaitali Deshmukh, an Ayurvedic consultant at Birla Ayurveda, explains that the body absorbs turmeric—and particularly its active ingredient, curcumin—poorly. This is because curcumin dissolves better in fat than in water, and since the digestive tract is a relatively wet environment, the majority of it simply ends up being eliminated by the body. Furthermore, she explains that the tiny quantity that is absorbed is quickly metabolised. Due to these reasons, curcumin has a limited bioavailability, meaning that the body can utilise relatively little of it. Turmeric's bioavailability may be enhanced when cooked by dissolving it in oils like ghee and coconut."

"Additional choices include incorporating a black pepper extract into a curcumin mixture. Piperine, a component of black pepper, functions in the liver to slow down the breakdown of curcumin so that the body can use more of it. Numerous investigations have verified this, demonstrating that curcumin's bioavailability is much increased when piperine is added," she went on to say.

"When ingested, the body absorbs both milk and turmeric. Curcumin, the key ingredient in turmeric, can, however, be better absorbed when taken in particular combinations or methods. If you are referring to the popular beverage known as "golden milk" or "turmeric latte," it combines turmeric with milk and sometimes other ingredients like honey, cinnamon, and ginger. In this case, both turmeric and milk are absorbed by the body. The addition of milk can also improve the palatability of the drink," she added.

Tumeric Can Be Beneficial For Sore Throat If Combined With Black Pepper And Ghee:

According to Dietician Garima Goyal, "Turmeric is a safe and effective natural remedy that can be used to improve our overall health and well-being. It can be consumed in food, taken as a supplement, or applied topically to the skin. Whenever having a sore throat, many people start drinking kadhas instead of having medicine. And one of the best combination for making kadha is haldi, ghee, black pepper and jaggery."

She further went to mention the following:

Synergy of Turmeric And Black Pepper: Turmeric is also called the golden spice which imparts yellow colour to the curries and has been used since ages for traditional medicine. Turmeric contains curcumin which possesses strong antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties but it is not well absorbed in the body. While black pepper contains piperine and the main benefit of this compound is to increase the absorption of curcumin by upto 2000 percent.

Gut friendly: Turmeric in this drink is gut friendly and helps to reduce indigestion symptoms. Indigestion refers to pain and discomfort in the upper part of stomach. This usually happens on consuming a heavy meal. Turmeric also helps with indigestion by increasing the digestion of fat by increasing the production of bile by 62 percent.

Gives a sound sleep: A warm glass of this kadha at bedtime is a great remedy to give rest to the body and fight away restlessness of fever and itchy throat. The amino acid content of turmeric milk gives sleep inducing properties. Jaggery and ghee will relax the irritation of the throat. Whenever having a sore throat, many people start drinking kadhas instead of having medicine. And one of the best combination for making kadha is haldi, ghee, black pepper and jaggery. 

Other Myths And Facts About Turmeric In Milk:

Garima Dev Verman, who is a Certified Nutritionist and Medical Content Analyst with The Healthy Indian Project (THIP) - A Health Literacy Platform

Myth 1: Turmeric in milk is a cure-all for every ailment

Fact: While turmeric has many health benefits, it is not a magical cure for all ailments. It can be a valuable addition to a balanced diet, but it should not be relied upon as the sole treatment for serious medical conditions.

Myth 2: Turmeric in milk can cure cancer

Fact: There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that turmeric in milk can cure cancer. Turmeric does contain curcumin, a compound with potential anti-cancer properties, but it is not a standalone treatment for cancer. Cancer treatment should be pursued under the guidance of medical professionals.

Myth3: Turmeric in milk can help you lose weight

Fact: While some studies suggest that curcumin in turmeric may have a role in weight management, consuming turmeric in milk alone will not lead to significant weight loss. Weight management requires a holistic approach involving diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes.

Myth 4: Turmeric in milk can improve memory and cognitive function

Fact: Turmeric may have cognitive benefits due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, but it is not a miracle memory-enhancing remedy. A balanced diet, regular exercise, and mental stimulation are also important factors for cognitive health.

Myth 5: Turmeric in milk can alleviate all types of pain

Fact: Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce pain associated with conditions like arthritis. Still, it is not a universal painkiller and should not replace prescribed pain medications when needed.

Myth 6: Turmeric in milk can treat insomnia.

Fact: Turmeric in milk is not a scientifically proven treatment for insomnia. Insomnia has various causes, and turmeric's mild calming effects aren't a reliable solution