Diwali is special for many reasons. It’s that time of the year when we indulge in the festivities in full swing - whether it's decorating our house, spending time with our loved ones, or sprucing our wardrobes up for a little glam. Diwali, in the modern day, is synonymous with levelling up your fashion game for the season as it's also the perfect time to foray into winter from fall. This festive season, take a moment to do an inventory check and see how you can light up your wardrobe in style by adding a touch of 'spice' to your outfit. 

Pooja Pandey, who is a Designer and Stylist of Latin Quarters shared her top 4 unique methods to spruce up your festive style, this season. These hacks are elegant with a touch of classic effervescence and most importantly, timeless. 

  • Keep it modern yet chic

Fusion clothing is quite the trend right now. While Diwali is predominantly for traditional fits, you can try experimenting with a boho-chic look by wearing a long, tapered top or an edgy crop top with a gorgeous printed or solid-colored flowy skirt. This combination oozes Indian silhouettes with contemporary style and design. One may choose to dress dramatically for the evenings, which are often formal, by donning a lovely, embroidered long gown.

  • Mix and match with layers on layers 

With the hint of winter in the air, Diwali is the perfect occasion to bring the layers out. A trend which has become a game-changer. Layering is a popular styling method which offers different looks on your base outfit. It also helps either to dress up the overall look or dial it down to keep it chic. A best example is, pairing an anarkali suit with a statement jacket, you can also had a belt to clinch the waist and create portions. Top this look with a clutch and an exquisitely crafted mangtika to make s statement. 

  • Always opt for Patterns and Prints 

Women’s clothing is a pandora’s box of wonders. You can experiment in more than one way. With Diwali at the centre of glitz and glam, throw in some new geometric patterns or bold motifs that enhance your usual ethnic styles. An aztec bomber jacket with a plain saree as a base adds that extra ‘oomph’ factor. If you are into floral motifs than a crepe saare with statement jewellery is the way to go. 

  • Looks adorned with jewels

While traditional chandelier earrings and jhumkis enhance the air of our traditional ethnic attire, it is ideal to wear sleek modern stone jewellery for this festive season as it offers a variety of colour palettes to play with. The current trends of statement bracelets, rings, trendy mangtikas, and haath phools are making waves with women when it comes to styling. A perfect opportunity expand your creative horizons this festive season. 

Rupal Dalal, who is the Managing Director at JD Institute of Fashion Technology suggested tips for men and women who want to opt for western outfits this Diwali:

For Women:

  • Elegant Dresses:

For women, Diwali calls for elegant dresses in rich and vibrant colors. Choose an A-line or fit-and-flare dress with subtle embellishments or embroidery to capture the festive spirit.

  • Statement Accessories:

Elevate your Western Diwali outfit with statement accessories. Think bold earrings, chunky bracelets, or a statement clutch to add a touch of glamour and festivity to your look.

  • Play with Fabrics:

Experiment with different fabrics like silk, velvet, or brocade for your Western Diwali dress. These luxurious materials add texture and depth to your outfit, making it perfect for the occasion.

For Men:


  • Rich Coloured Jeans: Opt for jeans in a deep, rich colour like dark indigo, deep maroon, or forest green. These colours capture the festive spirit while maintaining the comfort of jeans.

  • Classic White Shirt: Pair your coloured jeans with a classic white button-down shirt. White shirts have a timeless elegance that complements the vibrancy of the jeans

Stylish Footwear:

  • Pay attention to your choice of footwear. Women can go for heeled boots or embellished sandals, while men can choose polished leather shoes or designer loafers. Your shoes should complement your Western outfit.

Smart Layering:

  • For both men and women, consider layering your Western wear. Men can add a waistcoat or a tailored blazer to their outfit, while women can opt for a chic cardigan or a stylish shawl to stay warm and stylish.

Lucky Colours For Each Zodiac Sign During Diwali:

Shivam Chopra who is an astrology expert from All India Institute of Occult Science and True Vastu founded by Chairman Gurudev Shrie Kashyap shared about some Lucky colours for each zodiac signs for Diwali. 

He said, "Diwali is a significant Hindu festival observed globally with great fervour and enthusiasm. Traditionally, it is advised to don new attire during this celebration. According to astrological beliefs, wearing clothing that aligns with your zodiac sign is recommended to invite happiness and prosperity. Discover the recommended Diwali clothing colours for your sign."


Aries is not only a fire sign but also a cardinal sign, signifying its position at the commencement of the astrological calendar. Visualize Aries as the zodiac sign responsible for setting things in motion and initiating action.

Red is an auspicious colour for this sign this Diwali which represents energy, ferociousness and purity that define your personality. 


Taurus sign will exhibit these traits to the same degree that of a bull. Personality is influenced by a complex interplay of genetics, upbringing, and life experiences. These individuals are more drawn to financial matters as well as nature. While astrology can be fun and interesting, it should not be taken as a definitive guide to understanding an individual's personality.

Pastel shades of Pink, white and Earthy colours are lucky for this sign 


Gemini, one of the zodiac signs, embodies the duality of two personalities within a single individual, resulting in a combination of expressiveness and quick-wittedness. They are inherently sociable, highly communicative, and always up for enjoyable experiences.

As an Air sign, Gemini is associated with various facets of the intellect, much like Libra and Aquarius. Mercury governs this sign, symbolizing communication, writing, and mobility. 

This Diwali Yellow and green can work magic for Gemini sign people. 


Cancer individuals are at their happiest when surrounded by a loving family and a peaceful home environment.In the absence of patience or love, they may encounter mood swings, selfishness, self-pity, or even resort to manipulation later in life. While they are quick to aid others, they tend to shy away from conflicts and prefer to avoid direct confrontations, especially with those who come across as more dominant or powerful.

White, sea Green, Blue and Yellow remain their lucky colours this Diwali.


For a Leo, an ideal partner should possess self-awareness, rationality, and an intellectual compatibility that matches their own. Furthermore, the partner should feel empowered to communicate openly and advocate for their own needs, as excessive focus on fulfilling the desires and requirements of a Leo can potentially overshadow their partner's unique personality.

Their lucky colour is Golden, purple, and reddish Orange .


Virgos are also helpers, eager to lend a hand in any situation, almost to a fault. Virgo is the sign that rules servitude, so sometimes the desire to be helpful can cause Virgos to put their own needs aside in the service of others, Watts explains.

Virgo belongs to the Earth element. As an earth element, they get influenced by their own actions and by the actions of others.  They should prefer white colour clothes.


Libras in committed relationships should exercise caution when it comes to seeking attention beyond the established boundaries of their partnership. Due to their inclination to keep everyone content and involved, they might feel tempted to test the boundaries set with their partners. 

Pastel green is best for these individuals whereas Pink, blue and Green can also be used this Diwali.


The month of November signifies the time of Scorpio, as their astrological influence begins in the latter part of October and extends well into the following month. Scorpios often carry a reputation as one of the more mysterious and polarizing signs in the zodiac, which can lead to misunderstandings about their true character.

Their  lucky colours are being Maroon, black, and Dark purple since it is governed by Pluto and mars.


Sagittarians are known for their liveliness, passion, intelligence, and a deeper philosophical outlook that goes beyond their playful and energetic exterior. They have an innate love for freedom and a strong aversion to rules, regulations, constraints, and rigid schedules. Sagittarius individuals prefer to follow their own impulses and do things on their own terms, whenever they feel like it.

Purple colours help these folks to broaden their knowledge whereas yellow supports in development and prosperity. 


Pragmatic and proud, Capricorns want to be praised both for the reasonable actions they take and their approach to life. The sea-goat always has their eye on the prize, be it material matters or emotional fulfilment. 

The lucky colur for them this diwali is Black and Brown.


Aquarians are often characterized by their generous and kind nature. They have a unique ability to not only replenish their own energy but also to share it with others. Aquarius individuals tend to see the potential in people and communities, and they are both dreamers and defenders. 

Their lucky colours are Turquoise and electric blue as they are associated with Sky and water.


Pisces are highly creative and imaginative, Walker reports, as well as compassionate and loving. Their emotional sensitivity factor is high, helping them to remain in tune with others but also leaving them vulnerable to criticism, worrying a lot about the effect that their actions might have on others.

Lavender, subtle shades of yellow and peach colour can work wonders for them and help stay vibrant in life. 

[Disclaimer: The content of this article is based solely on astrological predictions, and should be taken as general guidance. Individual experiences may vary. ABPLive.com does not assert the accuracy or validity of any claims or information presented. It is strongly recommended to consult a qualified expert before considering or implementing any information or belief discussed herein.]