The celebration signifying Lord Rama’s return to his kingdom Ayodhya after 14 long years of exile, the festival of light, Deepawali or often known as Diwali is just around the corner. Any festival in India is celebrated with a lot of enthusiasm as that is the spirit of our nation. However, while celebrating, we should also remember that safety and health are the first and foremost things that should be on our minds. 

Maintaining safety and health during this Diwali should be our priority. Here are the top 5 ways to maintain safety and health during celebrations"

Put A Break On Binging

Wondering why this tops our list? It is a no-brainer that the habit of binging web series shows that we have developed over the past few years has been destroying our sleep cycle and our health. The amount of time that we are spending while looking at the screen of our devices is affecting our eyes much more than we can imagine.

Moreover, Diwali is a festival that we should be spending with our near and dear ones. Hence, we should try to stay off-screen as much as possible and spend time with our loved ones, and actually enjoy this festival.

Precautions while bursting crackers!

We are aware of how pollution has just been increasing over the years. Amidst all this, bursting crackers make the situation worse for everyone. While bursting these crackers need to maintain a proper distance from the cracker and never use a matchbox and lighter to fire them, use candles instead. Never try to burst the crackers directly on your hand or by throwing them through your hand.

Make Sweets At Home

Many times we get so tired of the preparations for Diwali that we are too tired and we end up buying sweets from outside. The issue here is that the sellers and manufacturers are more focused on the profit generated through sales, hence to increase the quantity, they often compromise on quality.

After the onset of COVID, WHO has also warned us that coronavirus can stay alive on the surface for a few hours. Hence, we should be careful while consuming them and if possible, we should make them on our own. 

Keeping Sanitizers As Far Away From Diyas As Possible!

There’s alcoholic content present to a great extent in sanitisers and alcohol is a highly flammable substance. Hence if by any chance it comes in direct contact with fire then it can catch fire easily and set our house on fire. 

Maintaining Safe Distance, And Using Masks

COVID-19 is still lurking, it’s not over yet. No matter how much we condition ourselves to believe that we’ve in a way become immune to COVID, it’s still not over. Whether it is while celebrating with our loved ones or doing anything together in a group, we shouldn’t forget to maintain a safe distance, and neither should we forget to wear masks at all times.

We wish all of you a very Happy Diwali.