Diwali 2021 Silver Utensils Cleaning Tips: Diwali is just around the corner and preparations for the festival are in full swing. The festival is considered to be significant in the Hindu religion. This year the festival of Deepavali will be celebrated on November 4, 2021.

Thorough cleaning of the house has become one of the elements of this festive season. Therefore, the practice of cleaning houses before Dhanteras goes on. It is believed that Goddess Lakshmi resides only in a clean house. But this part of the festivity can sometimes become tedious. In many households, silverware and silver coins are also used on this special occasion.

However, cleaning these utensils, that have been lying around throughout the year, can sometimes prove very difficult. So, here are some easy chemical-free cleaning tips you can follow to clean your silverware and restore its shine. 

Use hand sanitizer: Hand sanitizers have become quite common in our households following the Covid period. Besides sanitizing your hands, these can also be used to polish old silver utensils and coins. For this, pour some hand sanitizer onto the utensils and leave it for a while. Clean it later with a cotton cloth. In no time, your silverware will start shining like new.

Clean with toothpaste: Let us tell you that toothpaste is used not only to clean teeth but also to polish old silver utensils. You can mix toothpaste with salt and use it to clean the silver coins. Your coins and utensils will start shining as before.

Clean using lemon juice: Lemons are rich in citric acid. It is considered very effective in cleaning metals. This Diwali you can restore the shine of old silverware with lemons. For this, take 1/2 cup lemon juice and add 2 teaspoons of baking soda to a clean container. Now clean the coin with the help of a brush. Your coin will start shining in no time.

Clean silverware with aluminium foil: You can also use aluminium foil to clean old silver utensils. With the help of this, the silver will shine just like new when rubbed.

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