Ganesh Chaturthi or Vinayaka Chaturthi is an auspicious Hindu festival celebrated with pomp and enthusiasm to mark the birth of Lord Ganesha, the deity of wisdom, prosperity, and good luck. The 10-day-long festival is observed with great devotion and grandeur across India, and the festivities are marked by the preparations of delectable sweet dishes offered to the deity as bhog prasad, which is a symbol of our devotion. 

As we welcome Bappa to our abode this year, let’s make our Prasad selection interesting by including delectable desserts that promote good health and well-being. 

Satyajit Hange, who is the Co-founder and Farmer of Two Brothers Organic Farms shared some nourishing desserts to Include in your prasad selection this Ganesh Chaturthi 

  • Ukadiche Modak

The celebration of Ganesh Chaturthi is incomplete without Modak, the favourite sweet of Lord Ganesha. This year devotees can make their prasad platter more nutritious by preparing Modak with dry fruits instead of traditional ones. The scrumptious Modak can be prepared at home with roasted cashews, ghee-roasted gulkand filling, and liquid jaggery or wild honey, making it a healthy and wholesome addition to the platter. The ingredients of the Modak are rich in nutrients, making this dessert a more nourishing bhog prasad option. 

Ukadiche Modak Recipe: (By Mahesh Nasare Pastry Chef, The Westin Mumbai Garden City)


For the dough cover

  • 1 cup Rice Flour - 150 grams

  • 1.5 cups water

  • ¼ teaspoon Ghee or oil

  • ¼ teaspoon salt

  • For sweet stuffing

  • 1 cup fresh grated coconut - 100 grams

  • 1 cup finely chopped jaggery or grated or powdered jaggery - 200 grams

  • 1 teaspoon cardamom powder or 6 to 7 green cardamoms, powdered in a mortar-pestle & husks removed

  • ¼ teaspoon grated nutmeg or ground nutmeg powder (jaiphal powder), optional

  • ½ teaspoon poppy seeds (khus khus), optional

  • ½ teaspoon Ghee or oil

  • 1 tablespoon Rice Flour – optional


  • Making sweet stuffing

  • Heat ghee in a pan. Keep heat to a low. Add poppy seeds. Fry for some seconds till the poppy seeds start crackling. 

  • Then add grated fresh coconut, jaggery, cardamom powder and grated nutmeg.

  • Mix well and cook this coconut-jaggery mixture on low heat. The jaggery will melt first.

  • Stirring often cook this mixture for 7 to 9 minutes till the moisture from the jaggery begins to dry. Turn off the heat. Don’t overcook as the jaggery then hardens.

  • Keep this coconut-jaggery filling aside to cool. Note that on cooling, this stuffing mixture will thicken more.

  • You can also add a bit of rice flour to this mixture. This is an optional step. The rice flour helps to absorb moisture, if any from the filling.

  • Making rice flour dough

  • In a pan add water, oil or ghee and salt. Keep it on the stovetop. Let this mixture come to a boil.

  • Reduce the heat and add the rice flour gradually. Quickly stir and mix the flour with the water. Stir till all the rice flour is mixed with the water.

  • Switch off the heat. Remove the pan from the stovetop and then cover this pan with a lid for 4 to 5 minutes.

  • Now take all the dough in a large plate or thali or in a bowl. Gather the dough together and begin to knead it.

  • The dough will be hot when you begin to knead. So apply some water on your palms and knead the dough.

  • Knead the dough very well. If you feel the dough looks dense or hard or dry, then just add a few teaspoons of warm water and continue to knead.

  • Make small balls from the dough. Roll the balls till smooth in your palms. You can also apply some water on your palms while rolling the balls.

  • Keep the balls covered with a kitchen towel. The balls should be smooth in appearance and should not have any cracks.

  • Making modak without mould

  • Take a ball and flatten it with your fingers to a round disc or a shallow bowl shape.

  • You can apply ghee or oil to your palms while flattening. Place the sweet filling in the centre.

  • Flute and press the edges. Bring together all the edges and join them.

  • Remove the extra portion of the dough from the top, if any. Shape and taper the top of the modak with your fingers.

  • Making modak with mould

  • Grease the modak mould with a bit of ghee or oil. Then close or lock the mould.

  • Put the dough ball inside the mould and press it so that a space is made. Place the sweet stuffing inside.

  • Cover the bottom with a small piece of dough. Press and smoothen it sealing the modak.

  • Open or unlock the modak mould. Remove the modak gently from the mould. Shape all modaks this way with mould.

  • Keep the shaped modak covered with a napkin so that the rice dough does not dry out. Make all the modak this way.

Steaming modak

  • Grease a steamer pan lightly with oil or ghee. Place the shaped modak in the greased pan with some space between them. Cover with a kitchen napkin.

  • Take 2 to 2.5 cups of water in a pot, pressure cooker or an Instant Pot steel insert. Place a trivet or a rack.

  • Heat the water on a high flame until begins to boil.

  • For instant pot, use the sauté option and let the water begin to boil.

  • The water should be hot or boiling when you place the modak in the large pan. Cover the pan and steam modak for 10 to 15 minutes on a medium-low heat.

  • On the Instant Pot, use the steam function on high for steaming and keep the steam vent in a venting position so that the steam releases while steaming. Use a stopwatch to set the time to 10 or 12 minutes. 

  • Once the ukadiche modak is steamed, you can drizzle a few teaspoons of ghee on them.

Note that after steaming, the modak should not feel sticky to the touch. If they feel sticky, then steam them for a few more minutes.

  • Satori

Satori is a beloved Maharashtrian sweet flatbread that is extremely popular as a festive dish. It is also one of the most sought-after prasad during Ganesh Chathurthi, prepared using rich khoya or mawa, desi cultured ghee, milk, and besan or whole wheat flour. The rich ingredients make it a perfect sweet offering to Lord Ganesha and a healthier alternative to fried sweet options like jalebi and gulab jamun. 

  • Gulkand Laddoos

Individuals who are switching to healthier alternatives in their diet can consider adding gulkand filling laddoos to their selection of Vinayaka Chaturthi prasad this year. This is because gulkand is a rich source of fibre and essential minerals like magnesium and potassium. To make this special laddoo, use pureed gulkand roasted dry fruits, and ghee to pack a nutritious and flavorful punch. Adding jaggery to the blend will enhance its flavour and texture and make it perfect for the bhog. 

  • Shrikhand

This yoghurt-based dessert is quite popular in Gujarat and Maharashtra and a popular choice of bhog prasad for Ganesh Chaturthi enjoyed by individuals of all ages. Typically, the creamy prasad is a variation of the regular shrikhand and is made with a generous quantity of cardamom, nuts, and saffron. Its protein and calcium-rich ingredients can make the sweet dish a healthy item on your prasad menus. 

  • Ragi Halwa

Finger millet is a popular superfood that features minerals like calcium and iron and is rich in protein and fibre, making it a nutritious crop. This Ganesh Chaturthi, individuals can prepare ragi halwa at home using ragi flour, ghee, and liquid jaggery and offer it as a prasad to Lord Ganesha. With its rich taste and nutrient quotient, ragi halwa is the ideal bhog prasad for health-conscious devotees, especially those who prefer diabetic-friendly sweet dishes. 

  • Payasam

Puja or festive celebrations are unimaginable without payasam or kheer. Typically, it is made with rice cooked in milk and enhanced with the flavour of jaggery and cardamom. Devootes can prepare a healthy version of payasam for Ganesh Chathurthi by using millet or brown rice instead of white rice and switching to liquid jaggery instead of refined sugar. 

Other Prasad Recipes to Try On This Day:

1. BAJRA MODAK (By Vijesh Modi, Sr. Sous Chef, Deltin Daman)


  • ½ cup Bajra Flour 

  • ½ cup Grated Fresh Coconut

  • ¼ cup Jaggery powdered

  • 2 tsp Poppy Seeds optional

  • A pinch of Salt

  • Ghee or Oil for greasing

  • ¼ tsp Cardamom Powder


  • Dry roast the poppy seeds until light brown colour.

  • Add coconut and jaggery and combine it.

  • Mix well until the jaggery dissolves completely.

  • Add cardamom powder and cook on medium flame.

  • Cook until you get a thick mixture. Switch off the flame and let it cool completely.

  • Divide the mixture into 6 – 7 round balls and set aside.

  • Add water and salt in a saucepan. Bring the water to a rolling boil and turn off the flame.

  • Take the pearl millet flour in a mixing bowl. Pour the boiling water little by little and mix it well with a spatula.

  • Let it cool for 2 -3 minutes and knead it to make soft dough.

  • Grease your hands with a little oil/ghee and divide the dough into 6-7 equal portions.

  • Flatten each ball and keep pressing with your fingers to form a disc or cup.

  • Place the prepared coconut stuffing in the centre.

  • Bring the edges together and seal them.

  • Arrange them on greased idli plates or steaming plates and steam cook on high flame for 10 – 12 minutes.

  • Serve warm!

2. MODAK (By Chef Shipra Khanna)


For the outer shell:

  • 1 cup rice flour

  • 1¼ cups water

  • 1 teaspoon ghee (clarified butter)

  • A pinch of salt

For the filling:

  • 1 cup grated jaggery

  • cup grated coconut

  • ½ teaspoon cardamom powder

  • ½ teaspoon nutmeg powder (optional)


Prepare the Filling:

  • In a pan, melt the grated jaggery over low heat until it turns liquid.

  • Add the grated coconut to the melted jaggery and mix well.

  • Cook the mixture on low heat, stirring continuously, until it thickens and starts leaving the sides of the pan.

  • Add cardamom and nutmeg powder, mix well, then remove from heat and let it cool.

  • Prepare the Outer Shell: Boil water in a pan, add a pinch of salt and ghee.

  • Reduce the heat to low and gradually add rice flour while stirring continuously to avoid lumps.

  • Mix until the rice flour absorbs the water and forms a dough-like consistency.

  • Cover the pan with a lid and let the dough cook for a couple of minutes.

  • Turn off the heat and let the dough cool down slightly.

Assemble the Modaks:

  • Grease your hands with a little ghee and knead the dough to make it smooth.

  • Take a small portion of the dough and flatten it into a small disc using your fingers or palms, make sure the edges are thinner than the center.

  • Place a spoonful of the prepared filling in the centre of the disc.

Shape the Modaks:

  • Pinch the edges of the disc to form pleats and bring them together to cover the filling. It will resemble a dumpling with a top knot.

  • Make sure the modak is sealed properly from all sides.

Steam the Modaks:

  • Place the modaks in a greased steamer or on a banana leaf in a steamer.

  • Steam them for about 10-12 minutes until the outer shell becomes slightly translucent.  serve

3. ATTA MODAK (Steamed & Fried) (By Chef Ajay Chopra, Animeta creator)


For dough:

  • Wheat flour 2  cups

  • Ghee 1 tbsp

  • Salt ½ tsp

  • Water as required

For stuffing:

  • Ghee 1 tbsp

  • Cashew chopped 1 tbsp

  • Raisins 1 tbsp

  • Almond chopped 1 tbsp

  • Poppy seeds ½ tbsp

  • Grated fresh coconut 2 cups

  • Jaggery ½ cup

  • Oil for frying


  • Take a bowl and add wheat flour, salt, and ghee. 

  • Rub the ghee into the flour. Then, add water to make a smooth dough. 

  • Cover it with a damp cloth and set it aside for 5-10 minutes.

  • For the stuffing, heat a pan and add ghee, chopped cashews, raisins, chopped almonds, and poppy seeds. Lightly toast them. 

  • Next, add fresh scraped coconut and sauté for a few seconds. 

  • Then, add chopped jaggery and mix until the jaggery melts. 

  • The stuffing for the modak is now ready.

  • Take a small portion of the dough and roll it into a semi-thick flat sheet. 

  • Use a round cutter to cut it into small circles. 

  • Take one round cut of sheet, and place the stuffing in the centre. 

  • Now, using your index finger and thumb, lift the ends and pinch them together using your thumb and middle finger to make pleats. 

  • Continue making pleats in a circle and join them together to close the openings. 

  • Later you can use a fork to enhance the pleats further. The modak is now ready to be steamed or fried. 

  • For frying, heat the oil to medium temperature and deep-fry them until they are crispy and golden brown. 

  • For the steamed version, heat a steamer, place the modak into the steamer, and steam for 10-12 minutes. 

  • Once done, brush the modak with ghee while they are still hot.

  • Both steamed and fried modak are now ready to be served.

 4. CHOCO-ELAICHI PEDA (By, Chef Ranveer Brar, Hershey India)


  • 150 ml chocolate flavoured syrup

  • 300 gm Marie biscuit

  • 150 ml condensed milk

  • 1 tsp cardamom powder

  • 50 gm desiccated coconut

  • 10 gm sliced pistachios

  • clarified butter, for moulding

Equipment Needed:

  • food processor

  • 1 silicon spatula

  • 1 mixing bowl


  • Take a food processor and crush marie biscuits finely.

  • Add the crushed biscuit to a mixing bowl and pour chocolate-flavoured syrup, condensed milk and cardamom powder.

  • Mix the ingredients thoroughly to form a dough.

  • Apply butter or ghee on your palms and divide the mixture into equal small portions.

  • Form smooth round balls & flatten them to resemble a peda.

  • Refrigerate and use.

5. RAGI MODAK (By Maroof Khan, Executive Sous Chef, The Resort Mumbai)



  • 1.5 cup Ragi Flour

  • 1/3 cup of ghee

  • 3th cup of Jaggery powder

  • ½ Teaspoon cardamom Powder


  • In a thick Bottom pan add ½ cup of Ragi Flour. Roast till the colour changes and you get a nice aroma. It will take around 6 to 8 minutes

  • Next, Add ghee to the flour, Mix Well and Roast the flour for another 5 to 7 minutes

  • Once the flour is well roasted with ghee darken its colour and now switch off the gas

  • Add ½ teaspoon of cardamom powder and ¾ cup Jaggery powder. Mix the jaggery well in the pan till it is hot. Ensure there are no lumps

  • Remove the  mixture from the plate and start making modak with the help of Modak moulds

6. KESAR AND FOXTAIL MILLETS MODAK (By Pankaj Maity, Indian Desserts Speciality Chef, Taj Fort Aguada Resort & Spa, Goa)


  • Saffron-pinch

  • Foxtail millets-250gm

  • Sweet mawa-500gm

  • Ghee-250ML

  • Cardamom powder-5Gm

  • Sugar-750gm


  • Wash and soak the millet for 2 hours minimum and 6 hours maximum.

  • Drain the millet and oven-roast it until it is done. 

  • Allow the millet to cool to room temperature. Make it a fine powder. Some millets keep for garnish

  • Finely chop all the fruits and add to the millet keep aside.

  • Take Khadai pour the ghee add millet flours get roasted and add sweet mawa and cardamom powder saffron. Mould with desired modak mould.