Aries- Control your anger today. People can consider you selfish. Using credit cards for loan purposes can be detrimental. Those working in government departments should avoid mistakes. This can be harmful in the long run. Clothing merchants will be able to earn good profits. Students should revise whatever they have already learned. There is a possibility of injury to the hands. Take care while working. If there is pending work related to water in the house, then get it fixed. You may have to put in extra efforts to fulfill domestic responsibilities as your loved ones have high expectations from you.
Taurus - You can remain disappointed and sad due to the non-completion of work. Give importance and value to juniors in the team. Do not indulge in dispute with anyone at the workplace, otherwise, the debate can increase the tension. Give priority to social work. This will be effective in the future. If you are planning to change the business, then wait till Makar Sankranti. The circumstances will be favorable after the festival. There is a possibility of getting injured again on the same body part. Complete the routine with great caution. Resolve family dispute patiently, indulging in the unnecessary debate can worsen the dispute.
Gemini - The expenses will be more, so you need to keep a check. Merchants will have to meet the demand of customers through hard work. Youngsters, who are preparing for competitive exams, will have to work harder; revision of previous sample paper of competitive examinations is very important. Beware of the problem of back pain, if pain increases, treat the problem by consulting the doctor. If you are getting a chance to help someone in social work, then do it, the benefits will be seen in the future. Advise your brother to stay vigilant in health-related matters, show strictness if needed.
Cancer - Do not show laziness. Keep yourself fully active and do everything with a positive attitude. Try to socialize. Your importance will increase in the workplace. Time is good for people engaged in work related to software. Gold and silver traders will make good profits. Students should not show negligence in their studies. Parents will have to monitor the same. Problems related to blood pressure may trouble you. Stay alert and take precautions. You will face mental stress while meeting the family's expectations. Bear it for a while, circumstances are going to change.
Leo- Plan for the present as well as the future. Keep in mind that today's savings can become a boon for you in the future. If you are doing business related to restaurants, then the day will be good for you. Retail traders have to treat the customer well. Take special care about the health of children. If you are tensed due to some reason, then its effect can be seen on health, so try to find a solution to get rid of the stress soon. Your life partner will witness growth in your career, time is favorable if you want to start a new job. Do not indulge in dispute with women, give them respect.
Virgo- Unknown fear in your mind can spoil the work, so stay confident. Be prepared to face competition in the office. The time is suitable for learning. Assimilate good books and good ideas. Work harder to keep the boss happy, do not avoid it. Do all the work on time and with dexterity. Traders will have a tough day in terms of stress. Work can stop but be patient. There is a possibility that 'Vata' related diseases will trouble the body. Eat light and gluten-free vegetarian (sattvic) food. You can organize any event with your family.
Libra - If you have taken an off from work today, then complete all the pending tasks. You can plan to do courses to enhance talent. Businessmen have to understand the depth of business. They will be able to achieve success by planning accordingly. Youngsters should remain alert for misuse of technology, save important data. There is a possibility of theft. Heart disease can cause troubles. People, who are sick, will have to be more vigilant. Take care of father or fatherly figure in the family and give them their favorite gift. All members of the family should take care of their health.
Scorpio- Keep your mind and contacts active to gain financial benefit today. Do not be influenced by others, those interested in cooking should make a plan to make it their source of living. Transport merchants have great potential for profit, signs indicate so. It is necessary to pay attention to the maintenance of vehicles. Stone patients should stay alert as they can face unbearable pain, it will be beneficial to keep in touch with the doctor. Religious events can be planned at home. Maintain peace in married life. If your view points do not match with your spouse on any matter, there is no need to indulge in any sort of debate.
Sagittarius- Today, you have to use your mind to complete tasks quickly. People involved in research work need to increase focus for better results. Do not underestimate yourself at the workplace. You need to strengthen your strong side and qualities. Businessmen will be able to earn a good profit, there is a possibility of getting financial support to expand business. Youngsters should not interrupt someone while he/she is talking, this is not right. Earache may trouble you, be cautious about infection. You can buy items related to the house, kitchen or decoration.
Capricorn- Your speech/words will have a deep impact on others, so keep it balanced and sweet. People working in a software company may get a new project. Keep in mind that someone can cheat by promising huge profits, it is not wise to share your documents with a stranger. Youngsters should not worry too much about the future, keep the focus on hard work, they will get favorable results soon. You have to stay cautious when it comes to stomach infection, in case you are already suffering from the problem, you should be alert beforehand. There is a possibility that your spouse's health will get affected, take proper care of him/her.
Aquarius - You have to keep yourself happy. You will be able to win the hearts of people with your habit of cracking light-hearted jokes. If you have got any new work in the office, then complete it with full enthusiasm. This may impact your image. People associated with telecommunications may have to work more. Keep the government documents ready in advance if you are starting a business. Take rest and do not take stress if you are not feeling well. There is a possibility of a fire accident in the house, so you need to be vigilant about safety measures.
Pisces - You will have a normal day. Complete daily tasks. Do the office work on time by following the rules and staying disciplined. Motivate your team to do so. You may have to spend more time on official work. However, you have to maintain a balance between work and family. Do not take important decisions in haste, for the time being, take advice from seniors if you are facing doubts. Grain traders will get good benefits. Take care of the feet, any beauty treatment will also be a good option to pamper the feet. Do not leave any chance to serve the mother, keep her happy. Your house will have a peaceful environment.
Daily Horoscope, January 10, 2021: Sagittarius Businessmen Will Earn Good Profits; Know About Other Sun Signs
Astrologer Shilpa Rana
Updated at:
10 Jan 2021 07:37 AM (IST)
Daily Horoscope, January 10, 2021: Know from Astrologer Shilpa Rana, what's in store for your sun sign.

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