Aries: Looking at the planetary position of today, you are advised to in the company of those who are positive and do Satsang. Also, small or big, be ready to take on all kinds of responsibilities. The boss might call to seek details of work. There may be a hindrance in the work, merchants should maintain the stock of goods. Negligence in food and drink can lead to an increase in weight. Mutual dialogue and cooperation will strengthen the relationship between you and your spouse. A sudden pleasant message might gladden you. Maintain coordination with your father.

Taurus: On this day the mind will remain depressed, one of the reasons may be due to non-completion of work. Some unknown fear may also persist in the mind, but you have to ignore it and remain enthusiastic. You will feel relieved after the office work is completed. Media people will have to work harder today. The day is auspicious for retail traders. The youth today have to focus on making the environment around them a happy one. Be careful while getting down and climbing the stairs as there is a possibility of injury by slipping. There is a possibility of a decline in the health of the mother.

Gemini: On this day, you should make conscious attempts to be able to get out of trouble. So there is a need to have a little more faith in God. Boss might appreciate your work, which will make you feel proud. You will look upset due to the obstacles going on in the business. Be alert if you consume drugs because you may be inviting some serious illness. Women, along with their family members, should enjoy free time. If any family member is angry with you, then leave no stone unturned to resolve the issue.

Cancer: On this day you have to understand the importance of your relationships, on the other hand, you will also have to keep your distance from arguments and debates because the negative planetary position can cause you to quarrel with someone close. It is very important to follow the official rules. Traders may be under some stress due to economic decline, but you should concentrate on the business while trying to remain stress-free. In health, avoid overeating and include regular exercise in the routine to stay healthy. Before making any changes in the house, do not forget to take the opinion of your elders.

Leo: Today will be full of entertainment for you and you will receive happiness as you get to do your favorite work. However, you may also receive a list of unwanted expenses. You are likely to get important advice from major office officials and influential people, so keep in touch with them on the phone. In terms of business, you must think carefully today before finalising a deal, otherwise, a risk may have to be incurred. Today is going to be almost normal in terms of health. Talking to friends after a very long time will keep your mind excited and happy.

Virgo: On this day, a humble nature can strengthen relationships, due to which people will also praise you. By Guru Kripa, difficult tasks will also be resolved. People associated with the military department will have to be patient as well as take care of their health. Retail merchants have to keep in mind the needs of the customers. The youth will have to look for new placements while finding new avenues to end the ongoing concerns. Try to drink only hot water to take care of your health. Young children of the house can perform well in education, you should help them in this regard.

Libra: Today, the focus should also be on handling pending work. Old plans seem to have been delayed for some time but if you work with a little patience, success is certain. Planning should be done to do office work in a better way. Also, keep an eye on mail, keep in mind that important mail should not be missed. If students do not feel like studying, they can opt for doing their favorite tasks while taking a break from studies for some time. It would be better to stay away from fried and outside food. Take care of your parents' health.

Scorpio: On this day, pushing back the despair, tough situations will have to be dealt with directly. Talking about the office conditions, changed behaviour of colleagues and subordinates might disturb you, but understanding the situation, one has to be patient. There may be a monetary issue for starting a new business, so it is better to wait for a few more days. The day will be normal for the youth. If you take medicines due to some serious illness, then be mindful to have them today. If there is a ritual or program in the family, you will have to actively take part in it as it is time to strengthen the relationships.

Sagittarius: You have to be calm and enthusiastic on this day. Those doing an office job will have to refrain from working in haste, otherwise, there is a possibility of data loss. Energy is also going to remain high in the workspace. If you want to do a course online, then this is the best time for it. Those doing business related to financing will receive benefits. Students should pay attention in class, otherwise, they will be embarrassed in front of others. Asthma patients should be alert today. Play an indoor game with children. Important topics can be discussed with the elders of the house, you will also be a little busy to meet current needs.

Capricorn: Those who have their birthday on this day, will have to worship their Guru. Those who do not have a Guru, should consider lord Hanuman as their Guru and pray to him amid the ongoing crisis. It would be beneficial to renounce the negative things within oneself today. Humble behavior towards office people will be pleasing to all. Those who have their life partner as their business partner are likely to receive some benefit because of their spouse's luck. Those who were ill for a long time are now likely to get relief in terms of health. The day is going to be normal for the family.

Aquarius: Be clear in your talks today, everyone should understand what you are saying. People trying to find a job will have some problem in finding an opportunity, there is no need to be disappointed about it. You have to be patient to achieve the desired success in business. The day is auspicious for making future plans with the partner. Wholesale businessmen will earn good profits from online business. The day for youth and students will be the same as yesterday. Practise yoga and meditation to keep your body and mind healthy. You will be able to resolve family disputes.

Pisces: On this day, the mind can get lost in one thing or another, so for peace of mind, you should pay more attention to worship. You may get stressed due to office work not finishing, but do not get upset and seek help from colleagues so that the tasks can be completed. For business people, there are signs of your wishes coming true but at the same time, for your wishes to be fulfilled you will have to give it your all. There is a possibility of experiencing a stomach ache, so be careful. If there has been no conversations with any family member or friends for several days, then you can take out time to talk to them.