New Delhi: For the last three weeks, India was under lockdown and people were forced to stay indoors. In this lockdown phase, there have been a lot of questions among people who are apprehensive about going back to their normal lives and want to know almost everything about the novel Coronavirus which has turned their world upside down.

The reach of fake news in this digital age is widespread and this makes the users confused and misinformed about the facts.

And then the most popular search engine arrives in the game to which people often turn to for almost all their queries.

According to the internet search trends the most popular searches made in the last three weeks are listed as under:

  • Coronavirus - The name of the deadly virus itself has been searched for more than 5 million times. The search term basically brings all the latest news around the COVID-19 virus.


  • Coronavirus Tips - The search term has received over 10 million hits globally. This shows that users are constantly finding tips to stay safe from the deadly virus


  • Lockdown Extension - With the lockdown constantly being extended, people are left worried about when they will be able to start going out of their homes. The search term has received over 1 million hits in the past few weeks.

Also Read: Check Out Fresh Guidelines For Coronavirus Hotspots In India

  • Lockdown - To grab the latest updates on the ongoing lockdown, users have searched it for over 2 lakh times now.


  • Hydroxychloroquine - As a study claimed that this drug can help contain the COVID-19 virus, users instantly started searching about it to gain more information. The search term now has over 6 lakh searches worldwide.


  • Coronavirus Symptoms - As soon as someone coughs even once, they tend to get scared of getting attacked by the virus. And then, Google comes into the play to check out other symptoms that one experiences if they are suffering from COVID-19. The search term now has over 5 lakh hits according to Google.

  • Aarogya Setu app - The Indian government has launched the Aarogya Setu app to help users with authentic information, updates and more around the novel coronavirus. The keyword has reached the 3.2 lakh search mark on Google.


  • India COVID-19 Tracker- As the number of cases keeps rising, people want to know about the number of cases reported state wise in the country. The term has now crossed over 1.2 lakh searches.

Also Watch: New device invented to save doctors from COVID-19 infection