Cheese is a well-liked food among individuals worldwide. Nevertheless, selecting the healthiest option from the numerous available varieties can be challenging. Cheese is basically a dairy ingredient made from milk that is densely packed with nutrients namely protein with all the essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, vitamins especially vitamin A, minerals especially calcium etc. Unfortunately, cheese is often given a negative nutritional reputation due to the perceived relationship between saturated fatty acids (SFAs), cholesterol, and its salt content with cardiovascular disease (CVD). In this article we shall discuss about two varieties of cheese- Mozzarella and Cheddar.

Cheddar Vs Mozzarella: Differences Between The Two

Dietician Garima Goyal listed out the differences between these two cheese types -

  • Origin: While mozzarella originated in Italy, cheddar cheese has its roots in England.

  • Texture: Mozzarella cheese is a relatively soft cheese made from either cow’s milk or buffalo’s milk while cheddar cheese has a semi-hard texture and is produced from cow’s milk.

  • Nutrient profile: Mozzarella cheese is a comparatively low fat and low calorie cheese when compared with cheddar cheese, the latter being rich in fat as well as calories.

  • Shelf life: Mozzarella cheese has a long shelf life and can be refrigerated for months. On the contrary, cheddar cheese is  perishable and needs storage at a particular constant temperature and needs to be pasteurised frequently to prevent its spoilage.

  • Colour: Mozzarella has a white hue while cheddar cheese is yellow in colour. 

Cheddar Vs Mozzarella: Nutritional Value

Speaking in terms of nutritional value, Dietician Umang Malhotra said, "Cheddar and mozzarella cheese are distinct from one another. Cheddar cheese is recognized for its pungent and tart flavour, and it usually has more calories, fat, and protein compared to mozzarella cheese."

  • An estimated 100 grams of cheddar cheese contains around 400 calories, 34 grams of fat, and 25 grams of protein. On the other hand, mozzarella cheese is a mild and white type of cheese that is freshly made using a distinct process, where the curd is dipped in hot whey, then stretched and kneaded until it reaches the desired consistency.

  • Mozzarella cheese has approximately 290 calories and is comprised of 21 grams of fat, as well as 25 grams of protein. Additionally, this particular cheese variety is known to contain probiotic bacteria, which can provide significant benefits to the immune system. In addition, it has been shown to aid in the reduction of blood cholesterol levels.

"While both cheddar and mozzarella cheeses offer unique health benefits, they do vary in certain aspects. If you're keeping track of your calorie intake, mozzarella may be a better choice for you than cheddar. This is because the latter has a higher fat content, leading to more calories. This may not be the best option for those on a low-fat diet who are trying to watch their calorie intake," he added.

Additionally, he said the following when it comes to making a choice between cheddar and mozzarella:

  • Cheddar cheese is a protein-rich source that is indispensable for the growth and regeneration of muscles.

  • Cheddar and mozzarella are two types of cheese that are known for their high calcium content, which makes them excellent for promoting healthy teeth and bones.

  • Cheddar, in particular, is renowned for its ability to support bone strength and density due to its high levels of calcium. Meanwhile, mozzarella is also a great source of calcium, which can help to maintain and improve bone health.

  • Cheddar cheese is a natural source of Vitamin K2, which plays a crucial role in maintaining heart health and may aid in the prevention of osteoporosis.

  • If one is concerned with high blood pressure, it may be beneficial to choose mozzarella over cheddar. This is because mozzarella usually has a lower sodium content than cheddar.

Cheddar Vs Mozzarella: The Micronutrients Present

Mayuri Rastogi, who is an Assistant professor of Nutrition and Dietetics Department at Sharda University said, "Chedder and Mozzarella, both are an excellent source of proteins and micronutrients. However, chedder cheese have more thiamine, folate, vitamin B12, pantothenic acid and riboflavin while mozzarella cheese has more niacin. All these micronutrients are required for energy production and neurological developments. Mozzarella cheese are soft and white with low fats and sodium content, Thus making it heathier option compared to cheddar cheese."

Cheddar Vs Mozzarella: Ultimate Winner

Umang concluded by saying, "When deciding which cheese is healthier for you, consider your dietary goals and restrictions. If you're looking to reduce calorie and fat intake, opt for mozzarella, especially the lower-fat varieties. On the other hand, if you're seeking a cheese rich in protein and vitamin K2, cheddar is worth considering. Ultimately, the healthier option depends on your dietary needs and preferences."

While, Garima said, "Both these cheese types have their own pros and cons. While both cheddar and mozzarella are delicious varietis, they do not make the best substitutes for each other. Mozzarella is known for its mild, milky flavour and stretchy, elastic texture when melted. Cheddar, on the other hand, has a much sharper flavour and firmer texture. Swapping one for the other in your dish could significantly impact the overall flavour and texture. So choosing one depends upon the demand of your recipe."