Chandra Grahan 2021: A lunar eclipse is considered to be a significant event according to both science and astrology. The second and final lunar eclipse of 2021 is scheduled to take place on November 19. Although any auspicious deeds are forbidden during eclipses, it can be very fortunate for people from these four zodiac signs. According to astrology, all zodiac signs are affected every time an eclipse happens. 

The second subshadow lunar eclipse of the year will be visible in many parts of India, the USA, Australia, Northern Europe, East Asia, and the Pacific Ocean. A subshadow occurs when the earth comes between the sun and the moon and prevents the sun rays from falling on the moon, thereby changing the color and shape of the moon. 

The moon is not covered with earth's actual shadow, but by its sub-shadow, which reduces its effectiveness. This lunar eclipse will be visible in Assam and Arunachal Pradesh for a few seconds. The eclipse will start at 11:34 AM and end at 5:33 PM on November 19. 

This eclipse will affect Taurus and Kritika Nakshatra. In this case, Taurus people would have to take special precautions. People with Aries, Virgo, Libra, and Sagittarius as their zodiac sign will also be affected by the lunar eclipse. 

During the eclipse, Virgo people and people with weak moons would be negatively impacted. Therefore, they are recommended to chant the 'Shiv-Chandrama' mantra. They should also donate rice and milk after the eclipse ends. It is recommended to take a bath before and after the eclipse.

This Is How The Lunar Eclipse Will Impact The Zodiac Signs

Aries: You would be blessed financially, especially with payments stalled for a long time.

Taurus: Troubles would increase due to financial losses. May also have to endure physical pain.

Gemini: Avoid going out during the eclipse period. There are high chances of meeting with an accident.

Cancer: Wasteful expenditure will lead to loss of money. It has to be stopped.

Leo: Expectation of profits and progress along with some good news.

Virgo: Pains of ongoing illnesses may increase. Stay safe.

Libra: Issues with children may create unrest. Keep in touch with your doctor.

Scorpio: You would get relief from long-running financial troubles.

Sagittarius: Differences with spouse may create issues in your married life.

Capricorn: If you are already suffering from an illness, its deterioration may cause anxiety.

Aquarius: Expenses may increase due to the arrival of guests at home. However, there is a way to save some money.

Pisces: Long-time work issues may end. Be prepared for new beginnings.

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