New Delhi: Chaitra Navratri will be celebrated from March 22 this year. The festival goes on for nine days and nine forms of Goddess Durga are worshipped during this time. The festival is important because it heralds the arrival of spring and the triumph of virtue over evil in the Hindu calendar. It is observed in various ways across the nation by various groups.

The nine avatars of Goddess Durga that are worshipped during this time are Maa Shailputri, Maa Brahmcharini, Maa Chandraghanta, Maa Kushmanda, Maa Skandmata, Maa Katyayani, Maa Kaalratri, Maa Mahagauri and Maa Siddhidatri. Let's have a look at the offering that are given to the deity on each of these days.

Maa Shailputri is honoured with desi ghee on the first day of Chaitra Navratri. It is believed that the offering will grant the devotee a life free from disease and suffering.

Since Maa Brahmacharini enjoys eating simple foods and bhog, the deity is given an offering of sugar and fruits on the second day. This is believed to bestow the family members with longevity.

An offering of milk, sweets and kheer is given to the fierce avatar of Maa Durga on the third day of the festival. Maa Chandraghanta is believed to ride a lion and ward off all evil.

Maa Kushmanda is worshipped on the fourth day, and who is believed to have created the entire universe. Devotees keep fast on this day and offer malpua to the goddess.

On the fifth day of Chaitra Navratri, Maa Shandamata is worshipped with a bhog of bananas. It is believed that the bhog can keep the devotees healthy and fit.

Honey is offered as a bhog to the sixth avatar of Maa Durga, which is Maa Katyayani, on the sixth day.

Maa Kaalratri is offered with jaggery, and sweets made of it. Along with the Goddess, this prasad is also offered to Brahmins on the seventh day.

Maa Mahagauri is worshipped on the eighth day by offering coconut as bhog.

Til or sesame seeds are offered to Maa Siddhidatri on the ninth and the final day of the festival. It is believed that the goddess blesses the devotees and protects them and their family members from unfortunate incidents.