Cervical cancer poses a significant health concern for all individuals, irrespective of their sexual orientation or gender identity. However, members of the LGBTQIA+ community may face unique challenges when it comes to dealing with this disease. Creating awareness, fostering inclusivity in healthcare, and advocating for routine screenings are key steps in addressing these issues.


How Can LGBTQIA+ Community Deal With Cervical Cancer


The LGBTQIA+ community often encounters disparities in healthcare, stemming from a lack of understanding among both providers and individuals. "To tackle this, initiatives that promote education about cervical cancer, its risk factors, and the importance of early detection need to be developed. This includes tailored information that considers the diverse identities within the community, making sure it is culturally sensitive and inclusive," says Dr. Ashay Karpe, Founder & Director of Sunrise Oncology Centre.


Since routine screenings play a pivotal role in preventing and detecting cervical cancer early, the LGBTQIA+ community should be encouraged to undergo regular screenings, and healthcare providers need to be proactive in offering these services.

Talking about this, Dr. Ashay says, "Outreach programs, community clinics, and partnerships with LGBTQIA+ organizations can help in making screenings more accessible and comfortable for individuals who might otherwise be reluctant to seek healthcare."

"Moreover, destigmatizing discussions about sexual health within the LGBTQIA+ community is crucial. Open conversations about safe sex practices, HPV vaccinations, and the importance of regular check-ups can contribute to a more proactive approach to cervical health," he adds.

Prevention Measures Of Cervical Cancer In The LGBTQIA Community:

Dr Karishma Mehta, consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist who shares her expertise on coto, a women-only social community app, says that the prevalence of screening is quite low in the LGBTQIA+ community despite them being at high risk for the same. 

Here are some prevention measures for cervical cancer in LGBTQIA+ communities mentioned by her which are similar to those for the general population:

  • HPV Vaccination 

  • Regular Screening

  • Safe sex mainly by using barrier contraception 

  • Health Education 

  • Easy Access to Healthcare

  • Mental Health Support

  • Empathy of Doctor

Lastly, Simran Balar Jain, who is a Sex-Ed Content Creator and Founder of UnBound concludes by saying, "It's crucial to address the unique healthcare challenges faced by the LGBTQIA+ community, including the risk of cervical cancer. Increased awareness, accessible screenings, and inclusive healthcare policies are paramount. As a society, we must create an environment where everyone feels supported and empowered to prioritize their health. This dialogue is a step towards fostering inclusivity and promoting overall well-being within the LGBTQIA+ community."