Exercise benefits a number of health-related aspects, including weight management, metabolism, mood, sleep, and heart and brain health. Cardio exercises include any form of activity that causes your heart rate to increase and your breathing to quicken and raise oxygen and blood flow throughout the body. In this regard, Yash Birla, who is a 48-year-old fitness enthusiast, said "These exercises improve the functionality and performance of the heart, lungs, and circulatory system while gradually stressing your most vital internal organs."

"When incorporating cardiovascular exercises into your fitness routine, aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week, as recommended by health guidelines," he added.

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Health Benefits Of Cardiovascular Exercise:

Dr Ashish Agarwal, who is the Director-Cardiology - Unit 1, at Aakash Healthcare, New Delhi, said, "Actually, when the heart pumps blood carrying oxygen, the lungs get better at absorbing oxygen, and the muscles are better able to consume more oxygen. Common forms of cardiovascular exercises include brisk walking, running, cycling, swimming, and dancing among others. Each one of them has a ton of benefits that include improved health, weight loss and stress reduction."

Here are some of the specific health benefits of cardio exercises listed by him:

  • Enhances heart health

Engaging in regular cardiovascular exercise goes a long way to help you build stronger muscles including those of the heart that have a role in controlling blood pressure, decreasing blood proteins and fats contributing to blood clots, lowering anxiety and stress, reducing blood sugar and managing diabetes and preventing heart disease.

  • Improves brain health

Regular cardio exercise increases the volume or size of the brain areas responsible for memory and thought. It also slows down the rate at which elderly people's brains atrophy, enhancing their cognitive performance. Moreover, cardio can also aid in getting the restful sleep you need for your mental well-being.

  • Weight control

Cardio exercises help to burn more calories and manage weight by raising the heart rate into the target heart rate zone, which is the zone where the body burns the most calories. Jumping rope, running stairs, walking, rowing, cycling, and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) are a few examples of cardio workouts that are very helpful for losing weight.

  • Improved energy and mood

You feel more energised and prepared to do your daily tasks when your mood is better. Besides, increased hormone release also lowers stress, enhances memory and mental focus, and increases energy and stamina.

  • Increased immunity

Regular exercise boosts the body's ability to fight illnesses. It improves the immune system and metabolism. Cardio exercises guard the body against a number of diseases, including high blood pressure, stroke, osteoporosis, diabetes, and heart disease.

Yogic Exercises That Can Be Practiced For Cardiovascular Health:

Ankita Mahajan, who is a Naturopath and Founder of Yogymummy listed the following:

  • Parvat Asana (Mountain Pose)

This is one of the easiest inverted yoga poses that stretches your legs and arms and makes blood flow towards your heart. Parvat asan improves stamina, detoxifies the body, and boosts the immunity of the practitioner. 

  • Chaturanga Dandasana (plank pose) 

Chaturanga dandasana can improve your endurance and stability if practised regularly. It makes your cardiovascular muscles stronger and reduces backache. You can perform this four-limbed staff pose to gain stronger core muscles. 

  • Utkat asan Kreeda (Squat jumps)

The heart loves jumping exercises. You can try to squat jumps only if you are not facing any knee pain issues. Practice the jump sets of 10 every day and gradually increase the numbers as per your capacity.  

  • Naukaasana (Boat pose)

Naukaasan is the favorite pose of many. It is a great balancing pose that tones up your core muscles and lengthens your spine. In this pose, you manage to balance on your tailbone which helps in improving the balance and coordination of the spine.

Check Out Some Products Here: 

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[Disclaimer: The information provided in the article, including treatment suggestions shared by doctors, is intended for general informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.]