Cannes 2024: The Cannes Film Festival is set to celebrate the entertainment industry’s biggest luminaries. The 77th edition of the film festival will kick off next week in southern France. Hollywood A-list stars, including George Lucas, Meryl Streep, and Demi Moore, among others, are expected to grace the red carpet. In addition, luminaries from Bollywood and India's influencers are also set to attend this prestigious film festival, with Global Content Creator & Tastemaker Rahi Chadda being one of them. After walking at the Cannes red carpet for almost the past three years, Rahi is set to attend the prestigious event this year too. 

As he gears up for Cannes 2024, ABP Live had a conversation with him over email, where he shared insights about his preparation for Cannes and what this film festival means to him.

ALSO READ: Cannes 2024: When Is The Film Festival, Schedule, Venue, Everything You Need To Know

Here Are Some Excerpts From The Interview:

  • What does it mean to you to be attending Cannes once again? 

It's always such a humbling experience, to be able to return to Cannes every year. It is a validation of the work that I put in the rest of the year, and really makes me proud of my craft. I’ve always loved seeing the effort and dedication artists put behind their looks, style, sensibility and fashion, so being at the epicenter of it all reminds me of the potential that fashion has to transcend boundaries. 

  • Can you share some insights into what your prep process is for an event of this magnitude?

Planning for a trip to the Cannes red carpet can definitely be exhausting, but also exhilarating. Everything from the outfit to the makeup to the accessories has to be meticulous. Especially the logistics become exciting when you know what’s on the other side of it. It’s also about enjoying the moment. Being present in the south of France in the summer, the perfect place to be. 

  • What excites you the most about attending Cannes?

Being able to walk up those stairs to the cinema! It is an experience that just never gets old, and still excites me even after almost three years. Also, being able to see my friends from the fraternity and fashion houses. Celebrating fashion and film, together. 

  • How do you involve your audience into your Cannes journey?

I love bringing my audience with me in my Cannes journey. BTS photos and videos, and daily updates from the festival is something I always document and post. With my aesthetic, I always want to strike a balance between glamour shots and then real-life content. 

  • What are some of the challenges you have faced when attending Cannes? 

Just the sheer scale and intensity of the event. Until you’re there you don’t realize just how big everything is, it looks a lot smaller on our phones! Plus also juggling a packed schedule, and adapting last minute to changes and issues are some challenges I’ve faced with Cannes. 

  • In what ways has attending Cannes had an impact on your career and content? 

I would say that my career has played a huge role in getting me to Cannes in the first place. But being included in Cannes is great validation, and really motivates me to just keep doing what I’m doing, and work constantly on improving my content. Attending Cannes has just been a great moment, especially sharing it with Dior Beauty has made it more fun and exciting.

  • Being a mainstay on the Cannes red carpet, do you still feel a sense of nervousness or excitement before your walk? 

Absolutely, I don’t think that will ever fade for me. It is the anticipation and excitement I feel the most. 

  • In the years you have attended, how have you seen the Cannes carpet evolve? 

Over the years I’ve seen the Cannes film festival, both as an attendee and as a viewer, going from purely a film festival to now a celebration of diverse talent. It has also become a platform for important social issues, and advocates for positive change in the industry. I love that Cannes has now opened its doors, and has become even more diverse and inclusive. It is growing beyond film and becoming a great worldwide exchange of arts, ideas, and culture. 

  • What advice do you have for first-time Cannes attendees?

To just embrace the experience fully and fearlessly. Engage meaningfully, and try to have insightful conversations with people. Don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone. Savour every moment while you’re there, and remember that each moment is fully yours.