Cheese is one of the cornerstones of Italian cuisine and each region in Italy is known for producing a particular type of cheese. According to Executive Chef Yogendra Pal from Amari Raaya Maldives, "Cheese is the silent hero of culinary diversity- whether it's a dash of creamy Brie in a French-inspired dish, the sharp tang of Parmesan gracing Italian delicacies, or the comforting embrace of local cheese in Maldivian cuisine, this ingredient transcends boundaries to elevate every bite."

Adding to it, Avni Biyani who is the Founder of Sorrentina said, "Be it in the form of an antipasti board that will showcase firmer cheese like the Parmigiano-Regianno, Blue cheese, and Provolone, or as a part of a salad where you might stumble upon creamier variety like Burrata or Mozzarella; a meal in Italy would be incomplete, some may even say a crime, without featuring some locally made cheese."

Despite this, can people who are lactose intolerant have cheese? Continue reading to know more:

What Is Lactose Intolerance?

Lactose intolerance is a common digestive issue wherein the body struggles to digest lactose, a sugar found in milk and dairy products. Individuals with lactose intolerance may experience a range of uncomfortable symptoms such as bloating, gas, stomach cramps, and diarrhea after consuming lactose-containing foods.

Can People Who Are Lactose Intolerant Enjoy Cheese?

Dr. Divya Singh, who is a Senior Surgeon at Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital and Director of Maaiya Social Change Front Foundation said, "For those who love dairy, the question often arises: Can people who are lactose intolerant have cheese? The good news is that this age-old query has a surprisingly satisfying answer- YES."

"Generally, most dairy products are relatively high in lactose, but cheese is a unique case. During the cheese-making process, most of the lactose is removed with the whey, and as a result, the final product has a significantly lower lactose content than milk. However, it is crucial to make an informed choice. Hard cheeses like cheddar, parmesan, and Swiss cheese typically have very little lactose whereas soft cheeses, like ricotta and cream cheese, may contain slightly more lactose but are still usually well-tolerated by those with lactose intolerance."

In addition to that, she also went on to share tips for the Lactose-Intolerant:

  • Know your limits: Being aware of your lactose tolerance limit is the first step toward effective management. Maintain a food journal detailing what and how much you ate and how your body reacted. Recognize your patterns and adhere to your limit for a comfortable eating experience.

  • Choose Wisely: Opt for hard and aged cheeses, which are usually lower in lactose.

  • Monitor Portion Sizes: Smaller servings may be better tolerated, and everyone’s tolerance levels can vary.

  • Pair with Lactase Supplements: Some individuals find that taking lactase enzyme supplements before enjoying dairy products helps improve digestion.

  • Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body responds to different types of cheese and adjust your choices accordingly.