New Delhi: The colleges and universities of Bengal, will soon have separate toilets for the third gender, which can help the transgenders in earning social acceptance.

The move recommended, by the coordination committee for West Bengal Transgender Development Board, will initiate in tackling the issues related to the transgenders.

The committee formed by Mamata Banerjee government, has endorsed to built new toilets and to modify the already existing toilets for transgender students, in all the colleges backed by the state. The higher education department of state, also approved the recommendations made by the committee, and instructed all the colleges for the construction of toilets.

According to a few college principals, building of separate toilets for may lead to space crisis, while some of the transgenders students fear that their identity will get revealed and other students may differentiate or rag them.

But, most of colleges are supporting the move as they feel that it is the right time to think sensitively.