Unique Baby Names: Choosing a name for your baby is not only a process but a special moment in itself, and finding one that stands out can make it even more meaningful and special. Names starting with 'W' are very social and outgoing perfect for parents seeking something unique yet classic for their child. Individuals with names starting with 'W' are known to be charismatic, creative, and confident.

Here are some exceptional names, each of which has its own special meaning to inspire you:

Also Read: Unique And Uncommon Baby Names Starting With Letter 'V’

Unique Baby Boy Names And Their Meaning

  • Wade - To go; Ford

  • Wadee - Calm; Peaceful

  • Wadi - A valley; A Riverbed 

  • Walden - From the Wooden Valley; Someone who is Powerful; Child of the Forest Valley

  • Waman - Short; Dwarf

  • Wamik - A Lover 

  • Wamil - Something very Beautiful

  • Waryam - The brave one

  • Wasan - An idol

  • Wasantha - Season

  • Waylon - Land by the road; A courageous fighter

  • Wedansh - A King; Part of knowledge; Portion of the Vedas

  • Wenkat - Lord Vishnu; Lord Krishna; Existing; Natural; Divine

  • Widith - Something or someone who is Famous; Knowledge; Lord Indra Dev

  • Wilan - Friendship; Affection

  • Winay - Manners; Humble

  • Wishu - A long desire

  • Wuar - Fire

  • Wynter - Someone who is Born during the winterswinters

  • Wyom - Sky; Space; Outer space

Unique Baby Girl Names And Their Meaning

  • Waddell - Able to go; River ford 

  • Wafiya - Faithfulness; Loyal

  • Wagisha - The master of the speech; The Eloquent one

  • Wainani - Beautiful water

  • Wajeeda - The one who is noble

  • Wakana - Harmony; Music; Complete

  • Wakeeta - A Beautiful flower

  • Waki - A place of protection

  • Wakilah - The Trustee; The agent

  • Walda - A Ruler

  • Waleria - Strength; Health

  • Walta - A Shield

  • Wamika - Goddess Durga

  • Wasila - An Inseparable friend 

  • Watika - Garden

  • Warhi - Goddess Durga; Holy; Powerful

  • Widisha - Knowledge 

  • Wilona - Desired; Longed for

  • Wina - Holy; Blessed reconciliation; Joy; Peace

  • Wishi - A wish that is fulfilled