“sama dosha sama agnischa sama dhatu mala kriyaaha Prasanna atma indriya manaha swastha iti abhidheeyate”

Sushruta Samhita

Meaning: One is in perfect health when the three doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha), Digestive fire (digestion, assimilation and metabolism), Dhatus (all the body tissues & components), the entire physical body including all the excretory functions (the physiological functions of urination and defecation) are in perfect order with a pleasantly disposed and contented mind, senses and spirit.

As the text suggests, Ayurveda believes there should be a perfect balance within our body, and if this balance is maintained both physically and mentally, it will reflect externally too.

"Though Ayurveda is a distinguished brand of medicine in India there are a few popular myths surrounding it. With our extensive experience and research in Ayurveda, we help you distill the facts from the myths," said Aditi Amit Deshmukh, Founder 21 Organic, Social entrepreneur, and propagator of Ayurveda in interaction with ABP Live. She went on to discuss popular myths and genuine facts about Ayurveda; continue reading to learn more:

Myth 1: Ayurveda Takes Longer Than Western Medicine To Work

Fact: People turn to Ayurveda only after trying other medications, which delays the effects of the treatment. If Ayurveda is adopted from the onset of an illness or disease, the results are seen sooner. The time a treatment takes to work depends on several factors such as the

severity of the disease, how soon the treatment was started, the body’s ability to respond to the treatment, diet, lifestyle, and emotional well-being of the patient. If everything is working in tandem, Ayurvedic treatment can show quick results.

The beauty of Ayurveda is that it focuses on eliminating the root of the disease, not just treating the symptoms. For example, a centuries-old formulation like Kumkumadi oil works at the cellular layers of the skin to fade hyperpigmentation, eliminate wrinkles, and leave your skin looking healthy and nourished.

Myth 2: Ayurveda Is Pseudoscience

Fact: Ayurveda is a well-documented proven science, with clearly defined fundamental principles which are relevant even today. The ancient texts have listed all

aspects of treatment from signs and symptoms to diagnosis, as well as the effects of diverse foods, herbs, and minerals on the human mechanism. Ayurveda is an extremely valuable ancient science which has profound benefits for the human body.

Myth 3: Ayurveda Cannot Treat All Health Conditions

Fact: Ayurveda focuses on ‘Rasayana’, an Ayurvedic Rejuvenation therapy that helps promote all round health by boosting the immune system. Rasayana therapy includes the ingestion or application of certain herbs which have ‘adaptogens’ that are known to bring the body back into a state of balance. Rasayana therapy prevents the effect of aging and provides longevity, boosts mental competence, preserves youthfulness, and increases the luster of the skin. Ashwagandha is a Rasyana herb, which boosts vitality while also calming the mind. Other Rasayana herbs are Ashwagandha, Amla, Brahmi, Guduchi, Yashtimadhu, Shatavari, and Tulsi.