New Delhi: Menstrual Health and Hygiene (MHH) is essential for the well-being and empowerment of women and adolescent girls. More than 300 million women menstruate every day in the world, while 500 million people worldwide are believed to not have access to menstruation products and suitable menstrual hygiene management (MHM) facilities. Girls and women need access to menstrual hygiene facilities, affordable and appropriate menstrual hygiene products, information on best practices, and a supportive environment for handling their periods successfully without embarrassment or stigma.

Ayurveda, an ancient holistic healing system originating in India, offers valuable insights and remedies for women's menstrual health. It recognizes the importance of balancing the body, mind, and spirit to maintain overall well-being, including menstrual health. Additionally, Ayurvedic therapeutic formulas are not only safe but it is a natural alternative for women to go through their menstrual cycles with less pain and complications. 

Ayurveda offers a distinct method for women's menstrual health that goes beyond symptom prevention and addresses the underlying imbalances that can disrupt the natural flow of the menstrual cycle. Simply embracing the principles of Ayurveda, women can cultivate a deeper connection to their bodies, and experience a greater sense of ease, vitality, and empowerment in their menstrual health journey.

In this regard, Dr Yogini Patil, BAMS & Nutritionist at LivLong 365 said, "Ayurveda is a comprehensive approach that focuses on the interrelation of the mind, body, and spirit. Menstrual health in women is a crucial aspect of overall health, and Ayurveda recognizes this by providing specific recommendations for each phase of the menstrual cycle. A woman's menstrual cycle is not just a physical process, but a deeply holistic one that is intimately connected to her overall wellbeing. By adopting an ideally balanced diet and healthy lifestyle, Ayurveda aims to balance the doshas or energies within the body to promote optimal health and well-being."

Ayurveda places a strong emphasis on the harmony of the body's doshas (energies). Menstrual irregularity and discomfort are frequently a result of hormonal imbalances. By addressing the underlying doshic imbalances, ayurvedic therapies and herbal remedies work to restore hormonal equilibrium. 

Gurpreet Arora, the Founder of Make Me Pure also laid emphasis on this and said, "In Ayurveda, menstrual health is closely tied to the balance of the three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. When these energies are in balance, menstrual cycles are regular and symptoms are minimal. However, imbalances in any of the doshas can lead to irregular cycles, heavy bleeding, cramping, and other discomforts. By addressing these imbalances through diet, lifestyle changes, and natural remedies, ayurveda can help regulate menstrual cycles and alleviate common symptoms."

Addressing the ayurvedic ingredients that improve women's menstrual health, Anjenay Agarwal, who is the Founder and Director of Royal Bee Natural Products Pvt. Ltd, listed some herbs that are beneficial for women's menstrual health.

  • Ayurvedic herbs such as Brahmi and Gambhari, due to their antioxidants and anti-inflammatory qualities, are very effective in reducing period cramps and pain

  • Ashwagandha and Shatavari can help balance hormones and improve mood during the menstrual cycle.

  • Nagarmotha, Palashpushp, and Lodhra are essential for maintaining nutritional balance during the menstrual cycle and also help to keep the skin and hair healthy along with the body."

Adding to these, Rajinder Dhamija who is an Ayurveda Expert and Founder of Dharishah Ayurveda also listed mentioned some Ayurvedic herbs that help to regulate hormones.

He said, "The natural ingredients used in Ayurvedic remedies like giloy, turmeric, fenugreek seeds, and nigella seeds can help regulate hormones, reduce pain and cramps, and improve overall reproductive health. Additionally, Ayurvedic remedies can help alleviate symptoms of PMS, like mood swings and irritability."

Additionally, the necessity of nourishing and fortifying the body during menstruation is emphasised in Ayurveda. Nutrient-dense foods, herbal tonics, and specific rejuvenating therapies help replenish the body's energy, enhance blood circulation, and support overall vitality.

Also, stress can significantly impact menstrual health. Ayurvedic practices like meditation, breathing exercises (pranayama), and Ayurvedic massage (Abhyanga) can help manage stress levels, promote relaxation, and balance the nervous system, positively impacting menstrual health.