Love Relation Astrology: It is believed that sometimes the planets can be behind the obstacles in the love relationship. These planets affect love relationships during their transition phase.

The role of Saturn, Mars, Sun, Rahu and Ketu is considered important in love relationships. Issues appear in love relation when these planets are inauspicious and cast a shadow at the 5th house of the birth chart According to astrology, the fifth house of the birth chart is mentioned as a love relationship.

Shani's Sade Sati and Shani's Dhaiya

Shani Dev has a negative effect on love relationships. When Shani Dev's vision falls on the fifth house of the birth chart, then it leads to stress and creates distance. Shani Dev is considered a malefic planet in astrology. Issues happen in love with Shani's dasha, antardasha, and even during Shani's Sade Sati and Shani's dhaiya. Saturn's vision on these zodiac signs is-

Shani Ki Sade Sati

Shani Ki Dhaiya

Mangal Dosh
Mangal Dosh is formed because of Mars. If there is Mangal dosha in the birth chart, then it is not considered favourable to settle disputes. It is believed that due to Mangal Dosha, there could be an obstacle in a marriage or even a situation of divorce. When Mars is present in the ascendant house, fourth house, seventh house, eighth house, twelfth house, then Mangal dosha is formed.

Rahu and Ketu
Rahu and Ketu also pose a hindrance in the love relationship. Both these planets are considered shadow planets in astrology. Rahu and Ketu create inauspicious events like Kaal Sarp Dosh and Pitra Dosh, which lead to failures and adverse relationships. Sometimes Sun God can also cause trouble. These measures should be followed to pacify these planets.

  • Lord Shiva should be worshipped.

  • Perform Shiva Abhishek during Pradosh fast and monthly Shivratri.

  • One should stay away from people who have a bad influence on others

  • Should not do drugs.

  • One should take interest in philanthropy.

  • You should help needy individuals.

  • Worship God Hanuman On Tuesday

  • Donate things related to Shani Dev in Shani temple on Saturday.