Ganpati Visarjan Vidhi: In Hindi panchang, Ganesh Chaturthi is on the fourth day in the month of Bhadrapada. From this day, people start the worship of Ganpati Bappa with great pomp and devotion. All the Ganesh devotees install a statue of Ganpati Bappa at their homes or where they can and worship it by the ways written in the scriptures.

On the Chaturdashi Tithi of Bhadrapada month, which is also known as Anant Chaturdashi, Ganesh idol is immersed after worshiping it. The scriptures have already given the method of immersion of the ganesha statues.

It is a common religious belief that if the immersion of idols with the scriptural manner is done, Lord Ganesha fulfils all the wishes of his devotees. He take away all their sufferings. Let's know how to worship Ganesha statue on Anant Chaturdashi.

Ganesha idol immersion and fast

On the day of Anant Chaturdashi, before the Visarjan ceremony, Lord Ganesha should be duly worshiped , perform havan and swastivachan. Now take a clean wooden stool. Make a swastika mark on this stool. Spread a red or yellow cloth on it and place the betel nut on all four corners. Now lift the statue of Lord Ganesha from the place of worship and place it on the stool and chant Ganpati Bappa Morya. Be careful not to damage the statue.

Now worship the statue placed on stool perform aarti with all the rituals. Offer Ganesha their favorite things like fruits, flowers, modaks, etc. Tie all the ingredients of this bhog in a potli and place it on the stool with Lord Ganesha. Then seek forgiveness for any error in the puja and the request to return next year and also pray for grace on the devotees.  

After this, place the Ganesh statue on your hands or shoulders now chant Ganpati Bappa Morya and ,take it to the immersion site and immerse the Ganesh statue with utmost respect. Then perform with Shri Ganeshji's arti with kapur. Leave by eunau, preparing to come again next year. It is believed that Lord Ganesha fulfills the sincere desire and takes away all the sorrows and sorrows of the devotees.