Think about your childhood and peanut butter was most likely a prevalent part of growing up. And if you are reading this, you most likely have peanut butter in your kitchen right now. Times change and almond butter is a rising star in the world of nut butters. But does peanut butter still reign supreme? Is it nutritionally better than almond butter? How about the taste? We have the answers you’ve been looking for. If you are wondering what the differences are – here is your guide to almond butter v/s peanut butter.

Peanut Butter And Almond Butter:

Dr. Ritu Prasad, who is a Resident Naturopathy at Physician Kaivalyadhama spoke about peanut butter and almond butter.

Peanut Butter: This is one of the most popular types of spreads around the world. The texture is scrumptious, whether you like it smooth or crunchy. Not only that, but peanut butter goes with so many things, not only jelly sandwiches. The process of making peanut butter is simple. Often it is peanuts ground into the consistency of a paste. Yet, it is important to keep in mind that not all peanut butter is made in a similar manner. Big commercial brands often add things that make the spread a less nutritious.

Almond Butter: It is prepared in a similar way like peanut butter where it is nuts ground into a spread. Some are from roasted almonds and some come from raw almonds. Almond butter also comes in crunchy and smooth formulations as well as stir and no-stir.

Nutrient Profile Of Peanut Butter And Almond Butter:

Harpreet Pasricha, who is a Dietitian and Nutritionist, explained the nutrient profile of both peanut and almond butter. She said, "Almond butter and peanut butter have similar calorie counts. However, when it comes to micronutrients, almond butter has a slight edge. It’s richer in vitamin E, magnesium, and iron than peanut butter. On the contrary peanut butter provides slightly more protein per serving, making it a favoured choice among athletes and fitness enthusiasts."

Talking about healthy monosaturated fats, she said, "Both nut butters are a good source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats. While almond butter contains slightly more monounsaturated fat, peanut butter offers a beneficial fat profile too. Regular consumption of these fats has been linked to reduced risk of heart disease."


Lastly, she also metioned the fiber and sugar content saying, "Almond butter generally contains more fiber than peanut butter, aiding in digestion and promoting a sense of fullness. It’s essential, however, to watch out for added sugars. Many commercial brands tend to add sweeteners. One needs to opt for natural or unsweetened versions of both nut butters can help keep sugar intake in check."


In addition to her, Dietitian Foraum Savla discussed the protein per serving and the other nutrients present in peanut butter and almond butter.

She said, "Peanut butter gives 7 to 8 gm protein in 15 gm as compared to almond butter which gives only 3 gm. Both are nutrient dense but each one has a unique set of nutrients. Peanut butter contains vitamin E ,magnesium,phosphorus and Niacin while almond butter contains healthy fats like MUFA (monounsaturated fatty acids ) and omega 3 ,vitamin E, calcium and magnesium."

Almond butter v/s Peanut butter: Overall Comparison

Dr. Ritu Prasad drew an overall comparison of the two types of butter:

  • Fat content- Almond butter has 50% more monounsaturated fat than peanut butter and approx. 25 % less saturated fat comparatively. Almond butter also does not contain any trans-fat. 

  • Taste- Both the butters taste great! Peanut butter has more smoked flavour whereas almond butter has a sweater flavour.

  • Nutrition & Protein- Both the butters are rich in protein and have healthy fats and fiber contents. Almond still leads the nutrition since it has 26 % more vitamins, 3% more iron and 7% more calcium.

  • Costing- Peanuts are cheaply available so peanut butter is always cheap and affordable. Almond butter on the other hand is cooperating expensive since almonds are expensive.

  • Availability- There is a lot of brands that you find in the departmental stores that make only peanut butter. So it is always readily available. However, almond butters you can find at selective stores and online.

  • Health Benefits- In terms of general health benefits almond butter and peanut butter are similar. Regular consumption of these butters helps reduce the risk of heart diseases, lower blood pressure, lower the risk of gallstones and help maintain a healthy weight.

  • Allergies- Peanuts are a common food allergy for many people. If you have an allergy or sensitivity to peanuts, almond butter can be a preferable choice. While almond allergies do exist, they are not as widespread as peanut allergies. It's important to be aware of any potential sensitivity and choose the nut butter that aligns with your dietary needs.

On concluding, Dr. Ritu Prasad said, "Almond butter has a somewhat higher number of health benefits than peanut butter. People should introduce these staples into their dining essentials. One can also count on it for the proper functioning of the body. You can include almond butter in the diet because it contains fiber, protein and minerals to help you build a healthy body. Peanut butter has good nutritional content, but it is opted for by most households because it's cheaper and affordable. The most important fact, while purchasing peanut and almond butter, doesn’t forget to look at the ingredients list to know about the odds and evens."

"Ultimately, choosing between peanut butter and almond butter depends on your individual dietary requirements, preferences, and any allergies you may have. Both can be included in a healthy diet, but it's important to select high-quality options that are free from unnecessary additives. It's recommended to consume them in moderation as part of a well-rounded diet that includes nutrient-rich foods."