Alka Yagnik has recently opened up about her battle with a hearing disorder. It's a rare sensorineural nerve hearing loss caused by a sudden viral attack. In a heartfelt Instagram post on June 17, she shared that this was why she had been absent recently. Alka described the diagnosis as a sudden major setback that caught her off guard and expressed she is still adjusting to it. She asked for everyone's support and understanding during this challenging time and requested prayers for her recovery.

Additionally, Alka cautioned her fans and young colleagues about the dangers of exposure to loud music and headphones, highlighting the health risks of her profession. She expressed hope to recalibrate her life and return to the music scene soon. Alka concluded by saying that their love and support would mean the world to her in this critical time.

ALSO READ: Sonu Nigam, Ila Arun, Alisha Chinai And Others React To Alka Yagnik's Hearing Loss Diagnosis

Take A Look At Her Post:

Sharing a heartfelt note on Instagram, Alka Yagnik wrote, "To all my fans, friends, followers and well-wishers. A few weeks ago, as I walked out of a flight, I suddenly felt I was not able to hear anything. Having mustered some courage in the weeks following the episode, I want to break my silence now for all my friends and well-wishers who have been asking me why I’m missing in action."

"It has been diagnosed by my docs as a rare sensory neural nerve hearing loss, due to a viral attack… This sudden, major setback has caught me completely unaware. As I attempt to come to terms with it please keep me in your prayers. For my fans and young colleagues, I would add a word of caution regarding exposure to very loud music and headphones. One day, I wish to share the health perils of my professional life. With all your love and support I am hoping to recalibrate my life and come back to you soon. Your support and understanding will mean the world to me in this critical hour…," she added.

What Happens To Your Ears When You Hear Loud Music?

High volume on headphones is damaging, leading to temporary or permanent hearing loss when using them to listen to music for a longer duration. The ears have cells and small hairs that are crucial for hearing and they can be damaged when exposed to loud songs. As it has been said, hearing loss is irreversible, once it has occurred it cannot be solved. To minimise the risk, understand when the volume is too loud and how one can listen without damaging their hearing. 

Intensity is expressed in decibels (dB), sounds with less than 70 dB rating are safe for hearing. Still, personal listening devices can reach 70 dB and, using earphones or headphones, direct this sound into the ears. There can be some hearing loss impacts over time if one is exposed too much to loud music. To avoid hearing loss it is recommended to avoid playing music at high volume or for long durations. 

There is a condition called tinnitus in which the ears make ringing sounds which may make them feel full; this typically fades over time but constant use of loud music or sound may lead to permanent hearing loss. To avoid this, one should lower the volume of music and headphones. It is also important to keep your hearing in check. 

Easy Methods To Avoid Hearing Loss Due To Headphone Usage:

Here are some easy methods that you can practice to avoid hearing loss due to headphones:

  • Reducing the volume below the recommended levels of noise exposure, and prefer the over-ear headphones to the in-ear ones that are normally used.

  • Cut down the listening time and schedule regular ear checkups. Moreover, reduces the volume of sounds produced often by gadgets such as TVs and smartphones. Wear earplugs while at places or in events with loud noise. They are crucial in matters of hearing and overall ear health and are important in minimising the risk of damaging your ears. 

  • Excessive use of headphones leads to the impairment of hearing by damaging the hair inside the middle ear and the auditory nerve.

  • One should take some time off the headphones, and to avoid disturbing loud noises should only play above acceptable levels.

  • If one notices symptoms or indicators of hearing loss, they should visit an ear doctor for an assessment.

  • It is important to also note that there are preventions that one can take regularly and these can go a long way in helping to prevent health issues affecting the hearing.