New Delhi: Bollywood diva Alia Bhatt, who is about to become a mother, is preparing to launch her own collection of maternity wear. These clothes will undoubtedly provide all moms-to-be with a 'bump-friendly' sense of fashion. Alia took to Instagram on Friday and said that she struggled to find dresses that expressed her sense of style while still being comfortable after becoming pregnant. This inspired her to establish her own brand of maternity clothes in order to provide new mums with beautiful outfits!

In her Instagram story, she wrote that two years ago, she had started a children's clothing brand when people asked her the reason behind that as she was not a mother back then. Now that she is about to be a mom, she is launching her own line of maternity wear and she narrated the idea behind it.

She said, "It's not like I've bought maternity clothes before. But when I got down to it, I was overwhelmed. You don't know how you're going to look or feel over the next few months and let's be honest, not being able to find the right thing to wear can be stressful. Do I buy brands I already wear but in a bigger size? Should I raid Ranbir's wardrobe? And just because my body is changing doesn't mean my sense of style has to, right?"

Writing about how she created her own style, she said, "I added elastic to my favourite jeans, designed shirts that I didn't have to share with my husband, and wore flowy dresses so as to not invite any unwanted belly-touching. Comfort took priority over any 'airport looks.' What started off as me trying to fill a gap in my existing wardrobe, led to an entire maternity collection. And I can't wait to give you a sneak-peek tomorrow!" 

Other stars have also commented on her post on Instagram. Actress Bipasha Basu, who is going to be a mom as well commented, "So badly needed. I am struggling to find comfort wear too all the time and clothes that fit . Can’t wait ."

Alia previously launched a kid's wear brand called Ed-a-Mamma.