New Delhi: Ahead of the United Nations’ 26th annual Climate Change Conference of Parties (COP26), business tycoon Bill Gates has made his book "How to avoid a climate disaster" available for students across the world.

Microsoft founder tweeted on October 25, “This week, any college or university student anywhere in the world can download my book How to Avoid a Climate Disaster for free.”

Gates in his blog explaining the purpose of writing the book said young people are passionately working on climate change and insisting governments to commit reducing carbon emissions. 

“Earlier this year, I published a book called How to Avoid a Climate Disaster. One of the main reasons I wrote it is that young people are showing so much passion for dealing with climate change,” wrote Gates.

The book “is about all the steps we need to take to keep the planet livable for humans. We need to revolutionize our entire physical economy, including the way we move things around the planet, produce electricity, make things, grow food, and heat and cool our buildings,” Gates added with the download link.

Here Is How You Can Download The Book

  • Go to The Blog of Bill Gates through the link or click here...

  • Fill in your email address and the name of the institution you study in.

  • Click on ‘get your free ebook today’.

  • The ebook will be downloaded in your device in .epub file format which can be accessed in a compatible e-reader application.

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