Ira Khan, daughter of renowned Bollywood actor Aamir Khan, and Nupur Shikhare have officially tied the knot. A circulating video capturing their marriage registration has gained significant attention online. The footage showcases Nupur comfortably seated on a stage in casual attire (in a vest and shorts), contrasted with Ira, who looked radiant in a traditional lehenga. The ceremony witnessed the presence of close family members, including Aamir Khan, Reena Dutta, Kiran Rao, and Nupur's mother, amidst a gathering of guests.

Nupur's unique approach to the wedding attire stood out as he maintained his choice of outfit from the baraat procession. Opting for a jog instead of a traditional procession, Nupur wore gym attire, which he continued to sport while signing the marriage documents.

Check Out The Video Here: 

Shikhare Transitions From Casual To Classic: 

After tying the knot in the vest and shorts, the groom, Nupur Shikhare later sported a dark blue kurta paired with a gold-embroidered jacket, perfectly complementing his bride, Ira.

Shikhare and Ira can be seen posing with their family for photographs after their wedding ceremony. Check out the visuals here. 

Earlier in the day, an Instagram video showed Aamir Khan warmly embracing Nupur and his accompanying baraat. Aamir Khan marked the occasion dressed in a classic white sherwani complemented by a pink turban.

News 18 reported that the Khan family has organised two post-wedding receptions outside Mumbai. "The family is delighted to usher in the new year with these celebrations. The marriage ceremony took place on January 3 at Taj Lands End hotel in Bandra. Subsequent receptions are scheduled in Delhi and Jaipur between January 6 and 10," as mentioned in the report.

READ | Ira Khan Wedding: Nupur Shikhare Jogs 8 Km To Wedding Venue; Ditches Traditional Procession Style Baarat

Celebrity couple Nupur Shikhare, a prominent fitness trainer who has collaborated with stars such as Mithila Palkar and Siddharth Menon, and Ira Khan, a mental health advocate and founder of the Agatsu Foundation, announced their engagement in September 2023. The duo's relationship blossomed during the 2020 lockdown, culminating in a heartwarming engagement announcement on Instagram.