New Delhi: Delhi-based fashion influencer with Down Syndrome Aakash Chiripal will appear in the bright lights of Broadway on September 17, as part of the Annual National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS) Times Square Video presentation. The one-hour video of roughly 500 photographs includes children, teens, and adults with Down Syndrome from 50 states. These collective images promote the value, acceptance, and inclusion of people with Down syndrome in a very visible way. The broadcast will be on September 17th at 7 pm IST.  

Aakash’s photo was selected from more than 2,400 entries in the NDSS worldwide call for photos. His photo will be shown on two JumboTron screens in the heart of Times Square, thanks to the support of ClearChannel Outdoor. The two screens are located above Dos Caminos restaurant in Father Duffy Square. The presentation will be live streamed on the NDSS Facebook page from 9:30-10:30 am ET on September 17. 

The Times Square Video presentation will be followed by the New York City Buddy Walk® in Central Park. The flagship Buddy Walk has taken place in New York City since 1995 as part of the National Buddy Walk Program. Buddy Walk events are held in hundreds of cities across the country, as well as select international locations. 

About NDSS 
The National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS) is the leading human rights organization for all individuals with Down Syndrome. Founded in 1979, NDSS supports and advocates for the Down Syndrome community by focusing on three key areas of programming: Resources & Support, Policy & Advocacy, and Community Engagement. Within these focus areas, NDSS engages in various activities, events, and programs on topics that are critical to our community such as federal and state advocacy and public policy, health and wellness, education, and employment.   

About the National Buddy Walk® Program 
Since 1995, the National Buddy Walk Program has been the premier Down syndrome awareness, advocacy, and peer-to-peer fundraising program in the world. It was created by the National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS) to promote the acceptance and inclusion of people with Down syndrome and to raise funds for local and national incentives to support the Down syndrome community. Today, roughly 150 Buddy Walk events take place in cities across the country and in select international locations.