We are all looking forward to the New Year's Eve celebrations. It depicts the last year's events as well as the fresh and hopeful new year. As a result, many people subscribe to the "all in" and "party hard" mindset. However, even when you're partying, it's critical to take care of your health. In an interview with ABP Live, functional nutritionist Mugdha Pradhan, CEO and Founder of iThrive, revealed 9 ways to detox your body throughout the festive season.

  1. Limit alcohol: The most health-damaging thing that people do at parties is definitely the consumption of alcohol. Alcohol is, by definition, a toxin, and the body has a tough time processing and eliminating it from the system. You ideally want to avoid alcohol completely. However, if drinking, limit your intake as far as possible. Combining with refined seed oils, and sugar makes the effects of alcohol much worse and this is what typically happens at parties.

  2. Hydrate: Drink plenty of water to help flush out toxins.

  3. Electrolytes and coconut water: Alcohol dehydrates you and flushes electrolytes from the body so you need to replace the Magnesium, Sodium, and Potassium your body loses. Pink salt and coconut water are good easily-available options.

  4. Replenish nutrients: Alcohol flushes nutrients from the body so it is important to replenish nutrients for recovery, especially B complex.

  5. Binders: Binders help to draw and eliminate toxins from the body. Activated charcoal and psyllium husk are great options that are easily available over the counter.

  6. Skin detox through sauna: The skin is an important pathway for detox as well. Sweating and steam bath are easy options. Saunas, particularly infrared saunas help even more.

  7. Lemon water, dandelion, and chicory: These are some more easily available options that help to flush out toxins.

  8. Eat light and healthy, but don’t fast: Fasting can be a very effective tool for detox, but right after a party, complete fasting can stress you out. Instead eat light,  healthy, home-cooked food making sure to avoid processed foods.

  9. Sleep and rest: These are the most important tools for recovery. Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep and not stress yourself too much at whatever you’re doing.

It's crucial to note that "detox" has become a trendy buzzword in the health industry today, and as a result, there are a lot of incorrect advice and fake detox products on the market.

"People are being advised to consume anything and everything as part of detox programmes, including raw green smoothies, which have a high concentration of plant antinutrients and can be dangerous. Many plant foods have overall health advantages, but they can be detrimental to detox because they obstruct detox pathways. It is critical to care for your body and replenish it with the right practises," said Mugdha Pradhan.