Miss Universe Buenos Aires: In a groundbreaking moment for beauty pageants, Alejandra Rodriguez, a 60-year-old lawyer and journalist from La Plata, Argentina, has broken age stereotypes by winning the Miss Universe Buenos Aires title.
Her victory marks a monumental shift in pageant history, challenging the conventional age limits previously imposed on contestants. At the age of 60, she not only participated but also won the Miss Universe Buenos Aires title, proving that age is just a number.
Alejandra Rodriguez's journey to the crown began with her selection as the first-ever winner of the provincial title, a victory over 34 other contestants ranging in age from 18 to 73 years old. This achievement not only reflects her personal success but also highlights the Miss Universe Organisation's recent decision to expand eligibility criteria, allowing women of all ages above 18 to participate in the prestigious pageant.
In a statement following her historic win, Rodriguez expressed gratitude for the opportunity to redefine beauty standards and set a new example for aspiring contestants. She emphasised the importance of representing not only physical beauty but also a wider range of values and experiences, paving the way for future generations of women to participate in beauty pageants.
She stated, "I am thrilled to be representing this new paradigm in beauty pageants because we are inaugurating a new stage in which women are not only physical beauty but another set of values". "I am the first of this generation to start with this", she added.
Born and raised in La Plata, Rodriguez initially pursued journalism, a career path she chose after completing her education. Later, she delved into the legal field, becoming a respected legal advisor for a local hospital. Her diverse expertise and unwavering dedication have garnered admiration and respect from her peers and the community.
Global attention has been drawn to the evolution of Miss Universe's standards, which represents a break from traditional views of beauty. Formerly restricted to unmarried and childless women aged 18 to 28 since its inception in 1952, the pageant's new regulations have opened doors for women of varying backgrounds and life experiences.