New Delhi: Diabetes is a condition in which the body either produces insufficient insulin or is unable to use the insulin that is generated, causing abnormally high blood glucose levels. Insulin is produced in the pancreas which makes it easier for your body to convert the glucose in meals into cellular energy. It is then taken up by the cells from the bloodstream. However, insulin does not function as effectively in type 2 diabetics as it should, resulting in a spike in blood sugar levels.

There are numerous methods that can be used to manage diabetes or hyperglycemia. According to some studies, certain plants can help to lower blood sugar levels and have other medicinal benefits like reducing high cholesterol and enhancing insulin secretion and kidney function, while some plants also have therapeutic properties that can be found in their fruit, seeds, leaves, flowers, bark, and roots. 

Listed below are some herbs that help in the management of Type-2 Diabetes:

1. Cinnamon:

Cinnamon is beneficial for individuals suffering from both diabetes and hypertension and has been shown to reduce carbohydrate digestion. Additionally, it reduces hyperglycemia and increases sensitivity to insulin. A diabetes-friendly meal can be prepared using plain oatmeal, fresh berries, and cinnamon. The high fibre content of this meal helps to lower sugar absorption, thus preventing a spike in blood sugar levels.

2. Sage:

As per research, sage considerably lowers blood sugar levels, and when taken on an empty stomach, this effect is even stronger. Sage enhances diabetes control by boosting the production of insulin in the body.

3. Oregano:

This herb helps to fight elevated blood sugar in two ways. Firstly, it stimulates the pancreas to produce more insulin and it lowers blood sugar levels by reducing the desire for sweets. Additionally, because of certain substances found in oregano, the glucose in the cells is also mobilized.

4. Neem:

Research suggests that neem leaves can help to control diabetes. Chewing neem leaves early in the morning and ingesting its extract does not raise blood sugar levels, and enables the pancreas to function normally. As a result, insulin is also secreted naturally. Additionally, neem foliage also contains a number of substances that aid in blood sugar regulation.

5. Aloe Vera:

It has been demonstrated that aloe vera extract improves insulin sensitivity and lowers HbA1C levels in individuals with prediabetes. Consuming aloe vera juice or capsules decreased blood glucose levels in one trial.