New Delhi: It is often said, "Any time is tea time". A cup of tea is a comforting dosage for conversation starters among family members and is a medium of long gossip with friends at leisure. Tea with some snacks like samosas or kachoris makes our evenings so much better! 

To make your evenings even more memorable and to add spice to your gossip, here are some incredible chai recipes that you can try this winter.

1. Kashmiri Noon Chai:

This version of tea has a creamy, buttery, and rich flavour and produces a pink concoction that looks and smells beautiful. A cup of noon chai, has a delectable taste that comes from the magnificent land of Kashmir and is nothing less than a milky delicacy, packed with a comforting taste and texture.


  • 2 teaspoons Tetley Long Leaf Green Tea

  • 1/3 teaspoons Baking soda

  • 1/2 teaspoons Salt

  • 2 Cardamom Pods/Seeds, crushed seed powder

  • 2 cups Water

  • 2 cups Milk


  • Boil 1 cup of water with tea leaves in it till frothy.  Add the baking soda at this point, and mix briskly for 10 seconds.

  • Add cardamom powder and any residual water. Tea should be brewed until it turns brilliant crimson.

  • Now, with the heat set to medium, add the milk and whisk it briskly to create a faint foam. The tea should now be a gorgeous dark pink in colour.

  • Milk can be added as per the darkness of the colour. Stir well after adding the salt.

  • Kashmiri Noon Chai is ready to be served.


Kashmiri Noon Chai (Image Source: Twitter/@_Alphawoman)

2. Sulaimani Chai:

Sulaimani chai, which is one of the most mouthwatering teas and is said to have Arabic origins but gained popularity in Kerala, will give you a big cup of warmth in exchange. Whether it's the height of summer or the dead of winter, a cup of Sulaimani chai is the ideal companion.


  • 2 pods of crushed cardamom (with skin)

  • half inch ginger - grated or finely chopped (Optional)

  • 1-inch cinnamon (pounded)

  • 1 or 2 pods of cloves

  • 3-4 tsp of sugar (you can also use jaggery)

  • 1 tsp of lemon juice

  • 2-3 tsp of tea powder


  • Spices are made to boil. Add the sugar, and then the tea powder, letting it boil on a low flame.

  • The flame is extinguished and lemon juice is added. Then the pan is covered for a minute.

  • Using a tea strainer, filter the ingredients. You can also use a mint leaf to garnish.

  • Your tea is ready to be served.


Sulaimani Chai (Image Source: Twitter/@BaytAlFann)

3. Chocolate Chilli Chai:

A unique tea blend that's sure to be a success for your parties is created by combining the bitter-sweetness of chocolate with the heat of chilli powder.


  • 3 tbsp organic loose-leaf black tea

  • 1 stick of cinnamon

  • 2 Star anise

  • 8 pods of cardamom

  • 2 complete cloves

  • 1/2 tsp Allspice, ground 

  • 1 vanilla bean

  • 1 tsp of dried red pepper flakes

  • 2 tsp Cocoa powder

  • 1/4 cups of grated organic cocoa chocolate

  • 2 tbsp honey 

  • 1.5 cups of water

  • 1/2 cup coconut milk, milk, or water


  • In a saucepan, combine the components listed above (excluding milk).

  • Heat to a gentle boil over medium-high. Simmer for five minutes on low heat, stirring frequently.

  • Add milk, boil for a further 5 minutes, and stir occasionally. Filter into cups. Top with grated chocolate and red pepper flakes before serving and enjoy.


Chocolate Chilli Chai (Image Source: Twitter/@teafestivalsaus)

4. Ronga Saah:

Assam is popular for its red tea which is locally known as Ronga Saah. It is made from the strong Assam Orthodox tea, hence has distinctive red liquor and is traditionally served in a brass bowl.


  • Water – 1 cup

  • Tea powder – 1 tsp

  • ·Honey/Sugar – 1 tbsp


  • Sufficiently boil water in a pan or teapot.

  • Turn off the heat and immediately add the tea leaves to the boiling water.

  • Give the tea some time to settle before properly staining a cup with it.

  • Add sugar to achieve the appropriate level of sweetness and serve.


Ronga Saah (Image Source: Twitter/@Deepika_chaudry)

5. Apple Cinnamon Green Tea:

When the delicious flavour of the apples is combined with potent Indian spices like cardamom, the result is a rich cup of tea with mellow sweet tones and intense spicy scents.


  • 2 tsp of Gunpowder green tea

  • 1-2 fresh apples, peeled and cut into pieces

  • 1/2 inch of ginger

  • 1-2 cardamon pods

  • 1 cinnamon stick

  • 2 cups of water


  • Except for green tea to a pan and simmer for around 15 minutes on low heat.

  • Once done, remove the heat and let it cool for 5 minutes.

  • Add the tea leaves now and brew for another 3 minutes

  • Strain it and serve.


Apple Cinnamon Chai (Image Source: Getty)