New Delhi: Every year Rose Day is celebrated on February 7 and with that, we begin with the Valentine's Day celebrations. People share roses on this day as a symbol of their love and affection for their loved ones, friends, and family. But, you can make your celebrations even better by preparing these quick and easy rose-themed dishes. 

1. Rose Hot Chocolate:


  • 4 tbsp Rose Petals

  • 1 tbsp Damiana

  • 1 tbsp Milky Oats

  • 8 oz Milk of your choice

  • 4 tbsp Cacao Powder or hot cocoa blend 

  • 2-4 tbsp Maple sugar

  • 1 tsp Vanilla Bean powder

  • 1/2 tsp Ginger powder

  • 1/4 tsp Salt

  • 1/8 tsp Cardamom powder

  • 4 tbsp real Vanilla Extract


  • Simmer 12 oz of water in a pan

  • Add Rose, Damiana and Milky Oats to it.

  • Then turn off the heat after some time and steep for 10 minutes

  • Strain the herbs

  • Add milk to it and warm it up

  • Whisk in Cacao, Maple Sugar, Vanilla Bean, Ginger, Salt and Cardamom.

  • Add the vanilla extract 

  • Pour the hot chocolate into a glass and enjoy.


Rose Hot Chocolate (Image Source: Twitter/@vancouverwlove)

2. Rose Petal Ice- Cream Recipe:


  • 1+ 1/4 cups of superfine sugar

  • Petals of 6 large unsprayed red roses, rinsed

  • 1 cup heavy cream

  • 1 cup milk

  • 5 large egg yolks


  • In a food processor, combine the sugar and 5 rose petals to produce a purée. 

  • After that, take a saucepan and combine the heavy cream and milk, then add the rose petal mixture. 

  • Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly, until the sugar is dissolved. Once done, take the pan off the heat.

  • Whisk the egg yolks and gradually add the hot cream mixture. 

  • Return to the saucepan and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture is thick enough to coat the back of the wooden spoon. 

  • Allow cooling after straining through a fine wire mesh into a bowl. Finely cut the remaining rose petals and fold them into the custard.

  • Using an ice cream machine, churn the ice cream as per your machine’s instructions. Transfer to a covered plastic container and freeze for at least 2 hours until it is firm enough to scoop.

  • Your ice cream is ready to be served.


Rose Petal Ice Cream (Image Source: Getty)

3. Rose Cupcakes:


For Cupcake:

  • 1+2/3 cups all-purpose flour

  • 1 cup sugar

  • 1/4 tsp baking soda

  • 1 tsp baking powder

  • 3/4 cup salted butter at room temperature

  • 3 eggs

  • 3 tsp vanilla extract

  • 1/2 cup sour cream

  • 1/2 cup milk

For Buttercream:

  • 1 pound unsalted butter at room temperature

  • 8 cups confectioners' sugar

  • 1/2 cup cream

  • 1 drop of pink food colouring a very small drop


For Cupcake:

  • In a large mixing bowl, sift together the dry ingredients.

  • In a medium mixing bowl, combine the wet ingredients.

  • Mix the wet into the dry until barely mixed. At the very end, fold in the sprinkles with as little mixing as possible.

  • Fill cupcake papers halfway with the mixture.

  • Bake for 25 minutes at 340°F, or until the centres are springy to the touch. The baking time is determined by the size of your cupcakes.

For Buttercream:

  • Beat the butter until light and fluffy, then add the sugar a cup at a time, beating well after each addition. Mix in the cream until the desired consistency is achieved.

  • Divide the buttercream into two batches and add the pink food colouring to one of them.

  • Fill a piping bag with both colours of buttercream.

  • Create a cone of buttercream on the cupcake with a spatula.

  • Make a cone out of the frosting and pipe it onto the cupcake. 

  • Make the rose by drawing little arcs with the tip that progressively increase in size as you go closer to the flower's edge.


Rose Cupcake (Image Source: Getty)