New Delhi: Finland has been ranked as the happiest country in the world for the fifth consecutive year in the 2022 World Happiness Report.

Notably, India (136) has once again been ranked well below Pakistan (103) in the report released on Friday.

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The annual report by UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network ranks nations based on gross domestic product per person, healthy life expectancy, and the opinions of residents.

Denmark continues to occupy second place, with Iceland up from 4th place last year to 3rd this year. Switzerland is 4th, followed by the Netherlands and Luxembourg.

Last year, India stood at 139 while Pakistan was placed ahead on the 105th spot. In 2019, India was ranked at 140. 

This year, while India's position has improved slightly, it is still behind countries like Vietnam (77), Bangladesh (99), Pakistan (103), Iraq (109), Nigeria (114), and Iran (116).

Top 10 Countries In 2022 World Happiness Report

  1. Finland 

  2. Denmark 

  3. Iceland

  4. Switzerland

  5. Netherlands

  6. Luxembourg

  7. Sweden

  8. Norway

  9. Israel 

  10. New Zealand

Meanwhile, war-torn Afghanistan has once again been termed most unhappy, featuring at the absolute bottom of the list. 

10 Countries At Bottom Of 2022 World Happiness List

  1. Zambia

  2. Malawi

  3. Tanzania

  4. Sierra Leone

  5. Lesotho

  6. Botswana

  7. Rwanda

  8. Zimbabwe

  9. Lebanon

  10. Afghanistan 

The World Happiness Report, now in its 10th year, is based on people's own assessment of their happiness, assigns a happiness score on a scale of zero to 10, based on an average of data over a three-year period.