Thiruvananthapuram Authorities suspended three teachers after an incident where an unattended two-year-old child managed to leave the daycare facility and walk approximately one-and-a-half kilometers to reach his home. The child was identified as Ankith, the son of Sudheesh and Archana.

The incident took place at a private school in Kakkamoola and the child was found with the help of CCTV footage. 

According to police reports, the toddler wandered away from the daycare while the three teachers assigned there purportedly left to attend nearby festivities, leaving only one attendant responsible for around 30 children.

"It seems like the teachers went to a nearby house to take part in a wedding celebration or something similar. The child left the daycare as the gate was open," police said, as per the report on PTI.

The daycare administration was unaware of the incident until the child returned home without any escort. The issue also came to light after the parents alerted the police.

The CCTV footage captured the child running towards home.

Although parents lodged complaints with the police and childline authorities, the police complaint was retracted after the daycare administration suspended the three teachers involved.

Earlier, a 12-year-old boy, who went missing after leaving his coaching center in Whitefield, Bengaluru, on January 21, was found days later in Hyderabad with the help of social media. Parinav, a student at Deens Academy, Gunjur Branch, left the coaching centre but never returned home. When the police, relying on CCTV footage, tracked the missing boy, he had moved to another location by the time they reached.

Later, passersby who saw the boy's missing poster on social media identified him on the streets of Hyderabad and alerted the police. The authorities took him over at Nampally metro station in Hyderabad and handed him over to his parents.

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