Accusing the state government and Devaswom Board of ineffective crowd management during the first phase of the Sabarimala pilgrimage, Kerala Leader of Opposition VD Satheesan raised concerns about the situation on Saturday. In a letter addressed to Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan, the Leader of Opposition expressed his apprehensions and urged the CM to ensure seamless arrangements for devotees during the upcoming Makaravilakku pilgrimage. 

On Wednesday, lord Ayappa temple closed after Mandala Pooja. In a letter expressing his concerns, Satheesan pointed out the unprecedented challenges faced by devotees during the pilgrimage. He expressed apprehensions over the fact that, for the first time in the history of India's most important pilgrimage center, devotees were compelled to prematurely end their pilgrimage with their garlands removed.

Highlighting the alleged failures of various departments during the Mandala season, Leader of Opposition Satheesan criticized both the state government and the Devaswom Board for their alleged shortcomings in providing a smooth darshan experience and basic infrastructure for pilgrims, as per the report on PTI.

Satheesan specifically criticized the government's handling of the pilgrimage, citing instances of extreme laxity in crowd control. He highlighted queues stretching for 15 to 20 hours from Pampa to Sannidhanam, emphasizing the difficulties faced by children, women, and the elderly who had to wait without access to water or food.

The Leader of Opposition called for an immediate end to what he labeled as the "police raj" and criticized the government's alleged reluctance to appoint a sufficient number of experienced policemen to coordinate operations at Sabarimala.

"The police work at Sabarimala was poor. The government didn't appoint enough policemen. They were unwilling to deploy experienced officers at Sabarimala, making things worse. There are complaints that the police treated devotees badly and cruelly," he alleged, according to the report.

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