A special Fast Track Court in Kerala sentenced a woman to 40-year rigorous imprisonment and imposed Rs 20,000 fine in a case under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO) for helping her live-in partner rape her daughters. During the hearing, the judge called the accused a "disgrace to motherhood". The verdict was delivered on Monday.

According to ANI, the harrowing crime occurred between March 2018 and September 2019. The accused, who had separated from her mentally ill husband, cohabited with her partner, Shishupalan. Throughout this period, Shishupalan subjected her child to severe abuse multiple times, resulting in injuries to the child's private parts.

Despite this, the mother took her daughter to his house where he assaulted the child in her presence.

The crime came to light after the 11-year-old elder sister of the victim visited them. At the time of the visit, the elder child was also abused by Shishupalan.  Following this, the elder child escaped from the house and went to her grandmother's house. The grandmother reported the incident following which the children were taken to a children's home.

RS Vijay Mohan, Special Public Prosecutor told ANI, "The mother has been convicted for 40 years and Rs 20,000 penalty for this offence. The offence is the abuse of two girls, the daughters of the accused. They have been sexually and brutally abused by the lovers of the accused. The original husband of the accused is a mental patient. Because of that she left the home with the children and was staying with two lovers."

"Judge R Rekha found that the accused is an entire shame to the motherhood and she deserves no apology and maximum sentence was given to her," he added.

Later, Sishupalan died by suicide. The trial took place only against the mother.

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