V Muraleedharan, Minister of State of External Affairs, said that the closing down of Popular Front of India’s largest arms training cell by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) established the fact that Islamic terrorist organisations are getting covered support from the governments in Kerala.

According to ANI, MoS External Affairs Kerala V Muraleedharan on Tuesday said, “#WATCH | The closing down of the Green Valley Foundation by the NIA in Kerala establishes the fact that in Kerala the Islamic terrorist organisations are getting covered support from the ruling dispensations of Kerala be it CPI(M) or the Congress.”

“The shocking fact is that NIA has said this centre has a large storage of arms and giving training in arms but in spite of that this centre has been functioning for more than a decade," he said.

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NIA attached property of Green Valley Academy in Manjeri allegedly used by National Development Front cadres and PFI. The land was spread over 10 hectares and it was the sixth arms training centre.

"As part of its continuing investigations in the case, NIA has now attached this training centre spread over 10 hectares. The Green Valley Academy, Manjeri, Kerala is managed by ‘Green Valley Foundation’ (GVF) and was used by the cadres of National Development Front and subsequently by the PFI into which it merged," the spokesperson was quoted by PTI in its report.

The NIA also attached five other PFI training centre in Kerala including Malabar House, Periyar Valley, Karunya Charitable Trust, Valluvanad House and Trivandrum Education and Services Trust.