Chennai: Kerala government on Wednesday shunted out a north Kerala station house officer (SHO) for issuing a notice to a local mosque committee warning action if there are any hate speeches during the late Friday prayer meet. The SHO issued the warning amid the controversy over two BJP spokespersons' remarks against Prophet Mohammed.
According to a report on Hindustan Times, the controversy started after Mayyil police station SHO Biju Prakash sent a notice to the mosque committee stating to ensure that there are no hate speeches during the Friday namaz. He also went on to threaten that the cops would take action against those who cause a threat to communal harmony in the region.
After the circular, Muslim outfits in the region criticised the circular and termed it an insult to them.
Following this, Kerala government in a statement said, the SHO issued notice without understanding the policies of the government so the DGP has removed him from the post with immediate effect.
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Further, the release said, the government does not believe that communal propaganda is being carried out in all masjids so everyone should cooperate with the government since it is of utmost importance to safeguard communal harmony.
When some forces are trying to create communal tensions then it is vital to protect peace and harmony, said the release, as per a report on The Indian Express.
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However, the SHO had reportedly said that he issued the statement in haste to avoid possible tension.