New Delhi: Congress-led UDF Opposition leaders on Wednesday staged a protest outside the Kerala Assembly in Thiruvananthapuram against Culture Minister Saji Cherian's remarks on the Indian Constitution.

Earlier, the Assembly Speaker MK Rajesh declared house adjournment after witnessing intense protests from opposition leaders over the minister's remarks.

Also read | 'Can Exploit People...': Kerala Minister Saji Cherian Triggers Row With Remarks On Constitution

In a viral video that surfaced on social media on Tuesday, Cherian is seen describing the Constitution of India as an anti-working class which is crafted by British. He is also heard saying "Constitution exploits working-class people". The culture minister was addressing a gathering at a CPI(M) programme at Mallapally in Pathanamthitta on Sunday when he sparked the controversy.

Cherian faced flak from the opposition for his remarks, as on Tuesday, the Leader of Opposition in Kerala Assembly, VD Satheesan said, "What Cherian said is not acceptable and Vijayan should ask for his resignation. If Vijayan does not act, we will seek legal recourse."

Meanwhile, Union Minister of State for External Affairs & Parliamentary Affairs, V Muraleedharan condemned Kerala Minister's comments and slammed him by saying Cherian made "anti-national" comments. "Kerala Minister Saji Cheriyan humiliated the Indian constitution in his speech. This is an anti-national statement made by him. What is more surprising is that he is giving a clarification now. He doesn't know anything about the Constitution," said Muraleedharan, as quoted by news agency ANI.