BJP head J P Nadda launched a stinging attack on Kerala's Left administration, accusing it of "soft pedalling" the state's "radicalization" on Monday, news agency PTI reported. He also accused the Left administration of being a "silent spectator" when a leader of the Islamist militant group Hamas spoke at a virtual conference held a few days earlier in Kerala. Nadda made the claims while speaking to workers from the BJP-led NDA, who had taken siege to three of the four gates of the Kerala Secretariat in protest of the Left government's alleged misrule in the state.

Nadda said that Hamas leader Khaled Mashal talked freely about his organisation and that the Left administration was a "silent spectator" at a recent demonstration programme sponsored by an Islamist party in the state against Israel's battle with the terrorist outfit.

"What does it mean? You are bringing a bad name to the land of 'God's Own Country' Kerala", Nadda said, and questioned the gathering whether they could allow such things to happen.

He also mentioned the bomb blasts that occurred a day ago in Kalamassery near Kochi, killing three people, and claimed that while "going to the depths of it," it could be discovered that the Pinarayi Vijayan government's "soft pedalling" of radicalisation in the state has led to such a situation in a peaceful state.

Nadda also chastised the Left administration for suspected corruption during its tenure, alleging that mismanagement was visible in Kerala under Vijayan's leadership.

"We are all gathered here to combat the issues of misgovernance within Pinarayi Vijayan's government, addressing the scandals and corruption plaguing the current administration. Our collective goal is to demonstrate solidarity in our efforts to bring prosperity, development, and good governance to Kerala", he was quoted by PTI in its report.

He went on to say that the 'dharna' provides a venue for people to voice their purported unhappiness with the Vijayan government, which he claims has been defined by disappointments and policy gridlock.

Addressing the people, JP Nadda said: "This government is involved in enhancing alcohol consumption. They are here to protect illegal alcohol distribution. This government is also trying to sabotage the central government's schemes. PM Modi had given sanction to provide 70 lakh tap connections under the Jal Jeevan Mission, but the Pinarayi Vijayan government has only been able to provide 12 lakh tap connections. PM Modi had given sanction for NH-66, where we are going to make six lanes, but the present government is trying to create obstacles by not giving land," ANI reported. 

He went on to criticise the Kerala administration for the state's lax law and order.

"We introduced Ayushman Bharat. We gave 5 lakh rupees to 2 lakh people coverage. But here in Kerala there is corruption. If I talk about law and order situation, rapes are taking place, there is insensitivity towards women. There has been corruption in the field of education, in the recruitment process, in the field of health, corruption in the field of transport. Right from top to bottom, this government is involved in corruption. UDF and LDF are two sides of the same coin. Both are corrupt. They are not here to serve the people, but only to serve themselves," JP Nadda said.

"When BJP, which is the nationalist force, comes to power Kerala will be part of the mainstream and will move forward," he added.

Around 6 a.m., hundreds of BJP supporters gathered outside the Secretariat's three gates.

Due to the demonstration, police were present in significant numbers and directed traffic away from the area to guarantee that office workers and students had a safe trip.