Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan and Union Minister of State (MoS) Rajeev Chandrasekhar traded verbal punches, with the BJP politician branding the CM a "liar" and the minister responding by calling him "extremely venomous," on Monday, news agency PTI reported. The verbal brawl between the two came after CM harshly criticised a post by Chandrasekhar on social media platform X in which the union minister appeared to blame a specific community for the multiple blasts on Sunday at a Christian gathering near Kochi that killed three people and injured more than 50.

Speaking with media, CM Vijayan said: "I am not asking what is wrong with him. He is a man who has entered politics because he is well-versed with BJP politics. I had spoken to the Union Home Minister the other day and informed him in detail about the matter. His (Rajeev Chandrasekhar) remarks and those of his associates were aimed at a certain section. It is only because Rajeev Chandrasekhar's distorted mind cannot see it, and that is why it is not possible to destroy Kerala's identity."

After reports about the explosions came out on Sunday, Chandrasekhar had posted on X: "Dirty shameless appeasement politics by a discredited CM (and HM) @pinarayivijayan besieged by corruption charges. Sitting in Delhi and protesting against Israel, when in Kerala open calls by Terrorist Hamas for Jihad is causing attacks and bomb blasts on innocent Christians."

In a news conference later that evening, Vijayan criticised Chandrasekhar's article, saying that the BJP leader's words reflected his "absolute communal outlook."

In response to the CM's comments, Chandrasekhar accused Vijayan of being a "liar" and of using terms like "communal" and "communalism" to "hide his ineptness as Home Minister of the state" and "cover up his own and his government's corruption and appeasement politics that he has copied from the Congress." Speaking to media in Kochi on Monday afternoon, he further claimed that under Vijayan, Kerala tolerated extremist groups and radicalization.

Chandrasekhar said he did not identify any group in his post on X and attempted to redirect the assault to the CM for labelling him communal, stating: "I had talked about Hamas and it was almost like the CM was trying to equate Hamas with the broader Muslim brothers and sisters of our state and country."

He further said that the Kerala Congress and Left had a history of appeasing extreme forces in the state.

In addition, Chandrasekhar stated that he had lost trust in the political leadership that "manipulated" Kerala Police.

"My lack of confidence and political attack is on the Home Minister of the state, who is also the CM," he was quoted by PTI in its report.

"If the Home Minister is unable to perform his function and protect the people of Kalamassery and Kerala, he should find someone competent to be the Home Minister and he (Vijayan) can do full-time politics in Delhi for the INDIA alliance," the Union MoS said.

Chandrasekhar also stated that was the first time he had been referred to as communal and accused of spewing communal poison.

"I am the last person you can call communal. I have much deeper relationships with the various communities than Pinarayi Vijayan could ever have," he claimed.

Later in the day, during a news conference held at the Cochin International Airport Ltd (CIAL) here, Vijayan stated that Chandrasekhar's words reflect his unique perspective.

The CM stated that he does not know what the goal of the Union MoS's words were, but if it intended to harm the purity of the state, it would be prohibited.

He also stated that Chandrasekhar was "extremely venomous," not merely toxic.

"He does not see that as an insult. He views it as an honorific," the CM alleged.

Vijayan also stated that neither the administration nor the Left Front will make any concessions to communalism or communal activities.

"Our state is known world over for our secularism," he added.