Kochi: The Kerala High Court on Tuesday came to rescue of a lesbian couple and reunited them after they were forefully separared by their parents and family members. According to reports, one of them was abducted by members of her own family and allegedly forced into conversion therapy. A Division Bench of Justices K Vinod Chandran and C Jayachandran allowed a Habeas Corpus petition moved by one Adhila after her partner, Fathima as forcefully taken away by her parents, Bar & Bench reported.

Lesbian lovers Adhila Nassrin and Fathima Noora should live together, the court ordered after a habeas corpus plea was filed by the former. After the hearing, the court allowed Fathima to leave with Adhila.

Adhila had earlier filed a police complaint her partner was abducted by her relatives last week. Adila and Noora - both adults in their early 20s - have been in relationship since last four years and felt in love with each other in standard 11 in Saudi Arabia.

After their relation was rejected by their family members, both girls eloped and moved to Vanaja Collective shelter in Calicut that helps marginalised communities.

It all came to light after Adhila posted a video of Facebook soon after her partner was separated from her and taken to her parent's house. Bar & Bench also reported that Adhila was not able to contact Fathima except for one time, where she complained about being subjected to illegal conversion therapy. 

After the issue was taken to High Court, the bench ordered the respondents to ensure Fathima's personal appearance before it today and finally during today's hearing both the couple were allowed to live together.