Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan strongly criticised the move of National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) to remove some important portions from school textbooks. He said that the move of the board was intended to create a society deep rooted in hatred and animosity. Vijayan made the statement while launching supplementary textbooks by including portions deleted by NCERT for Class 11 and 12 students. 

In his address at the occasion, Vijayan stated that the attempt of the Centre would change the social and historical perspective of the students and would endanger society, which stands firm on the ideals of secularism and brotherhood. He said that additional attention should be paid to textbook reformations done in the name of rationalisation. 

Vijayan said, the Centre was trying to create an impression that the country belongs to a particular sect by removing portions of Mughal Empire from the textbooks. 

"They removed the Mughal history to create a sense that this country belonged to a particular section and to create a sense among children that all other sections needed to be driven away from this country," he said.

The CM highlighted that it was essential to negate social truths to build a religious state and that was what is being attempted. He then cautioned against such moves. 

Further, Vijayan said that the release of supplementary textbooks was aimed at imparting ‘excellent’ education to students by making them obtain scientific and factual knowledge from schools. 

He said that the supplementary textbooks were released after incorporating such unavoidable elements in topics such as history, economics, political science, sociology, and so on.

The CM said that Kerala was also viewing the developments on NCERT making key changes in the textbooks with utmost seriousness. 

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